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Birth certificate correction after issuing SSLC - revised guidelines Cir.No. RD3/167/2022/LSGD Dt. 29/06/2023
Salary certificate issuing - habitual indebtness - guidelines G.O.(P)No. 65/2023//Fin Dt. 27/06/2023
Employees on leave (Appendix XII A ) running coaching classes - forbidden G.O.(P)No. 64/2023/Fin Dt. 27/06/2023
Govt school principal - additional charge - claiming charge allowance - guidelines Cir.No. Dt. 23/06/2023
Aided school principal - post vacant - DDO charge born by Accounts officer (RDD) Cir.No.Dt. 23/06/2023
Arrear salary of aided school teachers - merging with PF - direction to treasury officers Lr.No. Dt. 22/06/2023
Aided school / college - leave vacancy service will not count for pension - Circular Cir.No. 58/2023/Fin Dt. 17/06/2023
Covid 19 - lockdown - online class from 1/11/2021 to 14/11/2021 - treated as duty Lr.No. Dt. 13/06/2023
Aadhar updation guidelines Dt. 05/06/2023
PSC examination centres - conducting of parallel classes to minimise the loss of academic days Cir.No. Dt. 02/06/2023
Education Calendar 2023-24 - Revised Dt. 01/06/2023
Appointment of temporary teachers in aided schools for the academic year 2023-24 - guidelines G.O.(Rt)No. 3066/202/G.Edn Dt. 29/05/2023
Reversion of officers from higher post to lower - instruction to appointing officers Lr.No. Dt. 12/05/2023
Children suffering from autism,cerbral palsy, mental retardation - reduction of work hours to employed parents G.O.(MS)No. 2/2023/SJD Dt. 11/05/2023
Awarding grace marks - SSLC/HSE/VHSE - Modified order 2828/2023/GEDN Dt. 10/05/2023
Commutation of pension - DOB first of the month - Modified order G.O.(P)No. 45/2023/Fin Dt. 08/05/2023
Disbursing pensionery benefits to retired amployees - Order G.O.(P)No. 46/2023/Fin Dt. 08/05/2023
Summer vacation classes in schools - strictly forbidden Lr.No. Dt. 03/05/2023
HM to principal promotion - revised order G.O.(MS)No. 52/2023/GEDN Dt. 03/05/2023
Appointment in uneconomic aided schools - reservation to differently abled teachers - guidelines G.O.(MS)No. 51/2323/G.Edn Dt. 02/05/2023
SSLC - Grace marks - revised guidelines Cir. Dt. 22/04/2023
Intra district transfer for the year 2023-24 - HSTs, Primary HM, PDTs Cir.No. Dt. 25/04/2023
Aided school appointment - Differently abled candidates - amendment Cir.No. Dt. 25/04/2023
Sports Grace mark - SSLC,HSE,VHSE - awarding reg Cir.No. Dt. 25/04/2023
Grace Marks to SSLC / HSE / VHSE exams 2023 - Revised order G.O.(Rt)No. 2534/2023/GEDN Dt. 20/04/2023
PSC appointment - joining time - modified order G.O.(P)No. 5/2023/GAD Dt. 29/03/2023
HSE - employees relieving from offices to join another office - guidelines Cir.No. Dt. 27/03/2023
RTI Act - advice,guidelines,opinion shall not come under act - Clarification Dt. 27/03/2023
Aided school appointment - Differently abled employees - guidelines G.O.(MS)No. 29/2023/G.Edn Dt. 24/03/2023
HSST Jr - Final Seniority List as on 01/03/2023 Dt. 01/03/2023
Earned Leave surrender - lock in period - clarification - Order G.O.(P)No. 34/2023/Fin Dt. 31/03/2023
PSC appointment - joining time - revised order G.O.(P)No. 5/2023/GAD Dt. 29/03/2023
HSE/VHSE Exams - Grace Time for Children with Type 1 diabetics - Order G.O.(Rt)No. 1782/2023/GEDN Dt. 08/03/2023
Covid 19 - Special leave and special casual leave - Instructions for accounting G.O.(P)No. 21/2023/Fin Dt. 01/03/2023
Earned Leave Surrender resumed - Order G.O.(P)No. 148/2022/Fin Dt. 30/12/2022
VHSE - Working days redued to 5 days - Order G.O.(MS)No. 238/2022/GEDN Dt. 24/12/2022
Aided school - HSSTs - broken sevice reckoned for increment/grade - order G.O.(P)No. 16/2022/GEDN Dt. 23/12/2022
Higher secondary exam manual revised - order G.O.(Rt)No. 8351/2022/GEDN Dt. 22/12/2022
Income Tax deduction at source during financial year 2022-23 Cir.No. 24/2022 Dt. 07/12/2022
K-TET , SET - Service of scribes allowed - Order G.O.(Rt)No. 7535/2022/GEDN Dt. 01/12/2022
B.Tech BCA degree holders eligible to apply for UPST posts - Order G.O.(MS)No. 215/2022/GEDN Dt. 23/11/2022
Aided school - Building height - concession - Order G.O.(Rt)No. Dt. 16/11/2022
General transfer - Reservation to employees having handicapped spouse G.O.(MS)No. 24/2022/P&ARD Dt. 07/11/2022
Bone marrow transfer - Special casual leave allowed - Circular Cir.No. 91/2022/FIN Dt. 03/11/2022
Physically handicapped applicants - 4% reservation accorded to eligible posts - Order G.O.(P)No. 7/2022/SJD Dt. 28/10/2022
KITE - Master trainer appointment - Order G.O.(Rt)No. Dt. 27/10/2022
Financial aid - Should not hurt a child's self esteem - Public portrayal should be abvoided - guidelines Cir.No. Dt. 19/10/2022
School study tour - guidelines Cir.No. Dt. 18/10/2022
Reservation to economically backward among forward category - revised order G.O.(MS)No. 23/2022/PARD Dt. 04/10/2022
Rejoining at the fag end of academic year - restricted - guidelines Cir.No. Dt. 27/09/2022
General transfer norms - Employees having differently abled kids - guidelines G.O.(MS)No. 22/2022/PARD Dt. 26/09/2022
HST (SS) - Badic qualification - Commerce and Music exclued - Order G.O.(MS)No. 164/2022/G.Edn Dt. 21/09/2022
Ex-gratia pension - revised conditions - Order G.O.(P)No. 111/2022/Fin Dt. 19/09/2022
Appointment of differently abled candidates in Aided schools - amendment - Order G.O.(MS)No. 162/2022/GEDN Dt. 19/09/2022
PTA and SMC formation - guidelines Cir.No. Dt. 15/09/2022
Voluntary retirement (VRS) - revised guidelines Cir.No. Dt. 05/09/2022
Submission of RTC though SPARK - Order G.O.(P)No. 94/2022/Fin Dt. 24/08/2022
Staff fixation 2022-23 - Error correction - letter Lr. Dt. 23/08/2022
PTA formation and its activities - guidelines Cir.No. 1/2022/DGE/HSE Dt. 12/08/2022
Retired employees should close their ETSB Account - Order G.O.(P)No. 88/2022/Fin Dt. 04/08/2022
LWA as per Appendix XII A and C - Maximum period limited to 5 years - Gazatte notification G.O.(P)No. 87/2022/Fin Dt. 03/08/2022
Staff Fixation 2022-23 - revised guidelines Dt. 05/08/2022
Protection to teaching and non teaching staff who were appointed in additional divisions during 2011-12 to 2014-15 - order Dt. 05/08/2022
Single windows admission - 2022-23 - Additional seats in Higher secondary Dt. 07/07/2022
Polimer chemistry - qualification for HST PS in high schools G.O.(MS)No. 120/2022/GEDN Dt. 07/07/2022
Management, community seats in HSS - redefined Dt. 07/07/2022
Temporary batches in HSS 2021-23 - allowed to continue - Order Dt. 07/07/2022
Guest teachers in HSS - Instructions Dt. 25/06/2022
Persons with disability - reservation in appointment in aided schools - Guidelines G.O.(MS)No. 111/2022/GEDN Dt. 25/06/2022
K-TET - Minimum mark restriction removed for candidates who completed/joined the course prior to 1/4/2012 - G.O.(MS)No. 110/2022/G.Edn Dt. 24/06/2022
K- TET - Minimum Mark restriction removed for SC/ST/OBC/PH candidates from 1/4/2012 - Order G.O.(MS)No. Dt. 20/06/2022
No Grace Marks for SSLC and Plus Two Exams 2021-22 - Order G.O.(Rt)No. 3563/2022/G.Edn Dt. 14/06/2022
MEDISEP Premium will be deducted from the salary/pension of July 2022 onwards - Order Dt. 23/06/2022
DA Arrear merging in PF - time limit extended - Order Dt. 23/06/2022
Clerk,Librarian,FTM posts sanctioned in Higher secondary schools 106/2022/GEDN Dt. 14/06/2022
Earned leave surrender - deferred - Order Dt. 13/06/2022
Dies non during the last ten months - AE calculation - clarificatory order G.O.(P)No. 58/2022/Fin Dt. 02/06/2022
School building roofings - fitness certificate issuing reg G.O.(MS)No.Dt. 28/05/2022
Daily wage appointment in Govt school during 2022-23 academic year - Guidelines - Order G.O.(MS)No. Dt. 27/05/2022
Sharing personal details of students and parents to private persons - disallowed Cir.No. Dt. 26/05/2022
Daily wage appointment - from Employment exchange - Instructions Dt. 25/05/2022
Special casual leave will not count for Earned Leave - Order G.O.(P)No. 54/2022/Fin Dt. 20/05/2022
Fitness certificate to school buildings 2022-23 - Instructions Dt. 07/05/2022
PF interest will be counted for Income Tax - Instructions Cir.No. Dt. 05/05/2022
Assigning DDO charge to school / college teachers who have been given charge of HM/Prinicipal - time limit fixed Cir.No. Dt. 23/04/2022
Pupils promotion 2021-22- Guidelines Cir.No. Dt. 19/04/2022
Pupils promotion 2021-22- STD IX - Excel Format
Pupils promotion 2021-22- STD V - VIII - Excel Format
Summer vacation 2022 rescheduled - Order Dt. 04/04/2022
Minority Certificate - Validity limited to 3 months Dt. 04/04/2022
HSS - Lab Asst - Earned Leave Surrender - Deferred Dt. 01/04/2022
National Strike on 28.03.2022 and 29.03.2022 - High Court Judgment WP(C)10478 of 2022-S Dt. 28/03/2022
National Strike on 28.03.2022 and 29.03.2022 - Dies on - Govt Order G.O.(P)No. 10/2022/GAD Dt. 28/03/2022
Farewell parties in HSS - Instructions Dt. 24/03/2022
Covid 19 - Special leave - amendment in previous order Dt. 16/03/2022
Genl Education - Covid 19 Restrictions - Jan 2022 - Work from home for some categories of employees Cir. Dt. 21/01/2022
Covid 19 - Special leave - Revised instructions G.O.(Rt)No. 70/2022/DMD Dt. 22/01/2022
Covid 19 - Restrictions Jan 2022 - Online Classes for Classes from I to IX STD - Instructions Cir. Dt. 19/01/2022
SSLC March 2022 - Focus Area - Question structure Dt. 15/01/2022
Covid restrictions - 2022 Jan - Online Class for classes upto STD IX - Order G.O.(Rt)No. Dt. 14/01/2022
Handloom/ Khadi promotion - Weekly wearing by Govt Employees requested - Circular Cir.No. Dt. 11/01/2022
RTI Act- Revised fee rates - Order G.O.(P)No. 30/2021/GAD Dt. 28/10/2021
MEDICEP - Implementation through Oriental Insurance company - Approved - Order G.O.(P)No. 1/2022/Fin Dt. 01/01/2022
Inter District Transfer 2021-22 - Revised Guidelines Cir.No. A1/13388/2021/DGE Dt. 31/12/2021
Covid 19 - Leave - Belated joing duty - period of absence regularisation - Instructions Cir.No. J2/12/2021/G.Edn Dt. 28/12/2021
MEDICEP - Data verfication - Last date extended Cir. Dt. 31/12/2021
Cencus 2010 -11 Surrender - Refund of Excess Amout - Waved - Order G.O.(MS)No. 290/2021/G.Edn Dt. 30/12/2021
SSLC Exam March 2022 - Focus area for all subjects Dt. 27/12/2021
SSLC Exam March 2022 - Notification Dt. 27/12/2021
SSLC Exam March 2022 - Time Table Dt. 27/12/2021
GPF - AG Authorisation Validation in SPARK - Help Dt. 25/12/2021
Working land phones in institutions under Genl Education - Instructions Cir.Dt. 18/12/2021
Pay Revision 2021 - Genl Edn - Employees should switch over to revised scale on or before 31.12.2021 Cir.No. Dt. 16/12/2021
Pay Revision 2004,2009 - Allowed reoption in cases of audit objections - Order G.O.(P)No. 170/2021/Fin Dt. 17/12/2021
SSLC/HSE/VHSE - Focus Area for question paper setting - Order G.O.(MS)No. 281/2021/G.Edn Dt. 16/12/2021
MEDICEP - data updation - last date extended Cir.No. Dt. 16/12/2021
Little Kites 2021-22- Activities - reg Cir.No. Dt. 13/12/2021
Noon Meal Programme - Egg and Milk rate revised - Order G.O.(Rt)No. 5832/2021/G.Edn Dt. 13/12/2021
House building Advance (HBA) - Delay in Utilisation Certificate Submission - Order G.O.(P)No. 165/2021/Fin Dt. 06/12/2021
Pension - Revision of Pension and other related benefits consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01-07-2019 in accordance with the recommendation of the 11th Pay Revision Commission - Disbursal of 3rd and 4th installment of Arrears - Orders issued. G.O.(P)No. 162/2021/Fin Dt. 02/12/2021
The Kerala Service Rules - Deferment of Periodical Surrender of Earned leave - Extended - Orders issued. G.O.(P)No. 160/2021/Fin Dt. 01/12/2021
SLI premium revised in tuned with the revised pay- Order G.O.(P)No. 159/2021/Fin Dt. 30/11/2021
GIS - monthly premium rate enhanced in tune with the 11 th Pay revision - Order G.O.(P)No. 156/2021/Fin Dt. 26/11/2021
Aided School management transfer - Guidelines Cir.No. F2/85/2021/G.Edn Dt. 24/11/2021
Daily wage appointment in Aided Schools 2021-22 - teaching and non teaching staff - Order G.O.(Rt)No. 4761/2021/G.Edn Dt. 22/10/2021
Daily wage appointment in Govt Schools 2021-22 - teaching and non teaching staff - Order G.O.(Rt)No. 4754/2021/G.Edn Dt. 22/10/2021
Deferred salary claim - deduction of NPS - Cir.No. Dt. 22/10/2021
Employees promoted to gazatted post between 01-07-2019 and 31-03-2021 and retired from service - Pension revision - reg - Cir.No. 74/2021/Fin Dt. 13/09/2021
SPARK - Employees continuing in old pay revision scales - Instructions for timely switching over to new revisions Cir.No. Dt. 13/09/2021
Transfer on Compassionate Ground 2021-22 -Ministerial staff - Application invited Cir.No. Dt. 08/09/2021
Provision for pay revision fixation of employees on deputation during July 2019 to February 2021 - Instructions Cir.No. Dt. 02/09/2021
Implementation of e-Service Book (e-SB) - Orders issued. G.O.(P)No. 118/2021/Fin Dt. 17/08/2021
Aided school - Promotion of non teaching staff - new instruction Cir.No. Dt. 17/05/2021
State Board of technical examination in Tailoring and Embroidery and needle work - equavalency - Order Lr.No. 153/2021/G.Edn Dt. 01/07/2021
The Kerala Service Rules - Periodical Surrender of Earned Leave - Deferred - Orders issued. G.O.(P)No. 104/2021/Fin Dt. 26/07/2021
Introduction of Online Appointment Booking for visiting SPARK PMU office, Thiruvananthapuram - Instructions to Cir.No. Dt. 21/07/2021
The Kerala Service Rules -Rule 90-A, 93 and 103 of Part I, and Appendix-VII of the Kerala Service Rules - Monetary Limits - Revised - Orders Issued. - G.O.(P)No. 79/2021/Fin Dt. 01/06/2021
Pay Revision 2019 - Payment of arrears to the employees who do not have PF account - along with the salary for the month of May - Modified - Orders issued. G.O.(P)No. 73/2021/(3)/Fin Dt. 05/05/2021
Earned leave - Terminal surrender - Revised guidelines Cir.No. 41/2021/Fin Dt. 03/05/2021
Pay Revision 2019 - Pay Revision arrears to the employees on deputation - detailed instruction/guidelines - Cir.No. 42/2021/(2)/Fin Dt. 30/04/2021
Pay Revision 2019 - Payment of arrears to the employees/pensioners - along with the salary for the month of May- Instructions G.O.(P)No. 70/2020/(1)/Fin Dt. 30/04/2021
Instructions to DDOs and HoDs for processing DA Arrears - Modification - issued. Cir.No. 36/2021/Fin Dt. 20/04/2021
PTA Fund - Avoiding compulsory collection - Instructions Cir.No. H1/6578/2020/DGE Dt. 07/04/2021
Gender Correction in SSLC Book - Order -G.O.(MS)No.135/2021/G.Edn Dt. 31/03/2021
Vacation Salary - Permanent and temporary appointments - Clarification G.O.(MS)No. 136/2021/G.Edn Dt. 31/03/2021
11th Pay Revision - Directions regarding Pay Fixation in the case of Non Gazetted and Gazetted Officers - Further instructions to be followed - reg. 31/2021/Fin Dt. 29/03/2021
SSLC Exam March 2021 – Concession to CWSN Students - Instructions Dt. 20/03/2021
School building construction -Secured electrical wiring instructions Cir. Dt. 20/03/2021
Instruction to DDOs and HoDs for processing DA Arrears Cir.No. 29/2021/Fin Dt. 20/03/2021
Excess amount drawn - Refund - instalment - Clarification (Erratum) Cir.No. Dt. 18/03/2021
Excess amount drawn - Refund - Instalment - Clarification Cir.No. 24/2021/Fin Dt. 10/03/2021
By transfer (HSST Junior) - Provisional Seniority list Dt. 10/03/2021
SPARK - Direction to use SPARK application for the pay revision fixation of Non Gazetted Officers - Instructions to Cir.No. 23/2021/Fin Dt. 05/03/2021
Covid 19 - Deferred salary - Payment - Instructions 20/2021/Fin Dt. 04/03/2021
Aided School appointment - Arrear Salary - Mergining into PF - Instructions Cir.No. 7/2021/Fin Dt. 27/01/2021
Aided school appointments from 2016-17 to 2019-20 - Approval Instructions Cir.No. H2/19500/2019/DGE Dt. 26/02/2021
Pooled Specialist teachers - Entitled to Probation, Grade,Increment, Pay revision,PF,Pension - Order - G.O.(MS)No.130/2021/G.Edn Dt. 26/02/2021
Daily wage appointment in uneconomic schools - Covid 19 - Pay sanctioned - Order G.O.(Rt)No. 1957/2021/G.Edn Dt. 26/02/2021
Appointment in aided schools for the period from 2016+-17 to 2019-20 - Clarification - Lr.No. J2/87/2020/G.Edn Dt. 25/02/2021
General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules - Inclusion of Part Time Teachers also under GPF Rules - Orders issued. G.O.(P)No. 33/2021/Fin Dt. 23/02/2021
Circular – E- language lab software based training -Directions Dt. 22/02/2021
Cooperative recoveries deducted from salary bills - Instructions to make sure those recoveries transferred to the Cir.No. Dt. 22/02/2021
K-TET Qualification acquired in stipulated time - Probation and Increment - Permission accorded - Order G.O.(MS)No. 104/2021/G.Edn Dt. 19/02/2021
Full Time Menials - Permitted By Transfer appointment as LPSA/UPSA/Lang Tr - Order G.O.(MS)No. 69/2021/G.Edn Dt. 16/02/2021
Appointments of HMs, Vacancy reporting to PSC etc - Instructions Cir.Dt. 16/02/2021
LSS USS Exams - April 2021 - Notification Dt. 15/02/2021
Revision of Pension and other related benefits consequent on revision of Pay Scales from 01-07-2019 in accordance with the recommendation of the 11th Pay Revision Commission - Orders issued. G.O.(P)No. 30/2021/Fin Dt. 12/02/2021
K - TET Extension order for the appointments made during 2019-20 - G.O.(MS)No. 58/2021/G.Edn Dt. 12/02/2021
Daily Wage/ Contract Employees - Wages enhanced - Order G.O.(P)No. 29/21/Fin Dt. 11/02/2021
Revised Pay,DA and HRA - as per 2019 Pay Revision Order
Pay Revision 2019 - Ready Reckoner
Daily wage appointments - Covid 19 quarentaine - Wages during the days on observeration - Clarification Cir.No. 16/2021/Fin Dt. 10/02/2021
Revision of pay & allowances and allied matters of State Government employees and Teachers - Recommendations of XI Pay Revision Commission - Implementation - Orders issued. - G.O.(P)No.27/2021/Fin Dt. 10/02/2021
Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners/ Family Pensioners - Revised rates effective from 01.01.2019, 01.07.2019, 01.01.2020 and 01.07.2020 - Orders issued G.O.(P)No. 25/2021/Fin Dt. 08/02/2021
Aided school appointments during the period from 2016 - 17 to 2019-20 - Approval Guidelines - G.O.(P)No. 4/2021/G.Edn Dt. 06/02/2021
E - Pension - Descriptive Roll and Identification Particulars - Submitting reg Cir.No. 10/2021/Fin Dt. 03/02/2021
Food coupon to school going children - Order G.O.(Rt)No. 788/2021/G.Edn Dt. 28/01/2021
Aided School Certificate - Revised Format G.O.(P)No. 13/2021/Fin Dt. 23/01/2021
DA Arrear merging for the period from 01-01-2005 to 01-01-2017 - Time extended -Order G.O.(P)No. 12/2021/Fin Dt. 22/01/2021
SSLC and Plus Two - Conduting of classes - Additional instructions Cir. Dt. 22/01/2021
Staff Fixation 2020-21 - Staff Fixation 2019-20 will continue - Order G.O.(MS).No. 28/2021/G.Edn Dt. 22/01/2021
SSLC Examination March 2021 - Concession to children with special needs - Circular Cir. Dt. 07/01/2021
RTE Act - Amendment - Test exemption to those who have attained 50 years of age - Order - G.O.(P)No. 01/2021/G.Edn Dt. 05/01/2021
KSR Part I- Extending the benefit of Maternity Leave to the female officers appointed on contract basis, irrespective of the tenure- Orders Issued G.O.(P)No.2/2021/Fin Dt. 04/01/2021
HM Promotion - Dept Test qualification - 50 years old are exempted from passing Account Test and KER - RTE Amendment - Order G.O.(P)No. 19/2020/G.Edn Dt. 23/12/2020
Authorized and proper usage of SPARK application - Instructions for strict compliance of DDOs Cir.No. 82/2020/Fin Dt. 21/12/2020
Guidelines to be followed regarding the setting of DDOs in SPARK and BiMS application - Integration between SPARK and Treasury system for capturing DDO registration details - Pilot implementation of new system - Instructions issued Cir.No. 81/2020/Fin Dt. 21/12/2020
Senior Clerks Seniority List for the period from 01/01/2011 to 31/12/2015 - Provisional Dt. 22/12/2020
Aided schools and colleges - Salary bill counter Signature - Unified guidelines G.O.(P)No. 163/2020/Fin Dt. 22/12/2020
Income Tax - Deduction from Salaries for the financial year 2020-21 - Circular - Cir.No.20/2020/Govt of India Dt. 03/12/2020
Income Tax 2020-21 Help - KPPHA Headmasters magazine (Malayalam) Dt.12/12/2020
Relaxation to Technical institutes - Amendment G.O.(Rt)No. Dt. 03/12/2020
Fee structure in Schools in the Academic Year 2020-21-Directions Cir.No. N3/312/2020/G.Edn Dt. 02/12/2020
Audit files and pension application - timely settlement - Instructions Cir.No. Dt. 02/12/2020
Audit Report Format
Election - Polling Class - Instructions
Presiding Officer's Hand Book
Postal Ballot Application Form - Urban
Postall Ballot Application Form - Rural
Voter Turn out
Duties of Presiding officer - 1
Duties of Presiding officer - 2
Check List - Collection Centre
Poll Manager App - User Manual
State Election Commission - Voter's List
Youtube video - Part 3 ( Mock Poll)
Youtube video - Part 4 ( Sealing after Mock Poll)
Form24 Account Of Ballot Paper Form-6 List Of Contesting Candidates Form-8 Appointment Of Election Agent Form-10 Appointment Of Polling Agent Form-11 Revocation of polling agent Form-15 Application For Postal Ballot Form-21 List of challenged votes Form-21 A Register Of Votes Form N 13 Presiding Officers Diary Form-23 List of Tendered Votes Form-N-22 receipt For Election Records After Poll Form24 A - Register of votes Form-N-4 Candidates Identity Card Form-N-9 Pass To Polling Agents Form-N-10A Declaration By Presiding Officer Form-N-14A Record Of Paper Seal Used Form-N-15 Declaration by Companion to Blind And Infirm Voters Form-N-17_Acquittance for TA and DA Form-N-19_Letter of complaint to Police Form-22 List Of Blind And Infirm Voters
Other Forms
Relaxation to Technical institutes - Amendment G.O.(Rt)No. Dt. 03/12/2020
Covid 19 - Relaxation to technical institutes, tuition centers, dance classes etc - G.O.(Rt)No. 947/2020/DMD Dt. 24/11/2020
Govt servants,teachers conducting private tuition through social media - prohibitted - Circular Cir.No. C.2/76/2020/P&ARD Dt.19/11/2020
Daily waged employees - Casual Leave on account of being in quarantine - Eligible for salary - Order - G.O.(P)No. 155/2020/Fin Dt. 11/11/2020
Covid 19 - Defferred salary - Payment - Instructions to treasuries Lr.No. Dt. 06/11/2020
Establishment matters - Simultaneous entry in Service Book and data updation in SPARK - Instructions for strict compliance Cir.No. Dt. 04/11/2020
Deferment of Pay & Allowances - Repayment G.O.(P)No. 140/-2020/Fin Dt. 25/10/2020
Ministerial Staff - Online Transfer - Revised schedule Cir.No. Dt. 27/10/2020
General education Ministerial staff - General transfer 2020 - Application called for Cir.No. C3/19817/2019/DGE Dt. 22/10/2020
Covid 19 - Functioning of Govt offices - Clarification - Order G.O.(Rt)No. 814/2020/DMD Dt. 14/10/2020
K-TET - Extension order - Extended to Non teaching staff also - Order G.O.(P)No. 17/2020/G.Edn Dt. 13/10/2020
Protected teacher vacancy - Declaration by the manager - Date extended Cir.No. J2/21/2020/G.Edn Dt. 09/10/2020
K-TET qualification - Exemption for M.Ed holders - clarification - Order G.O.(P)No. 15/2020/G.Edn Dt. 09/10/2020
Snehapoorvam programme - Application invited Lr.No. Dt. 08/10/2020
B. Ed Dept. Quota 2020-22 --Notification Dt. 08/10/2020
Online transfer of ministerial staff - General norms/criterian - Finalised Lr.No. C3/19817/2019/DGE Dt. 08/10/2020
Acquiring TTC qualification before 2013 - Issuing of K-TET Certificate - Order G.O.(MS)No. 162/2020/G.Edn Dt. 07/10/2020
Use of e-TR-5 receipts in Government Departments - Extension of time limit for implementation of e-TR-5 G.O.(P)No. Dt. 07/10/2020
Ministerial staff - Cadre Strength Dt. 08/10/2020
Temporary employee registration in SPARK - Guidelines / instructions for Strict Compliance - reg. Cir.No. 56/2020/Fin Dt. 06/10/2020
Conducting competitive exams in schools premises - Utility charges remitting reg Cir.No. 82048/2018-A1(AW)/DPI Dt. 05/10/2020
Pension Qualifying Service - Leap year year extra day counted - Order G.O.(P)No. 130/2020/Fin Dt. 01/10/2020
Pensioner Information System (PRISM) - Submitting pension proposal to AG in time - Instructions Cir.No. 55/2020/Fin Dt. 25/09/2020
Online transfer of Ministerial Staff - Draft criterian ,rules and regualations - reg Lr.No. Dt. 22/09/2020
Internal Audit – Leasing of govt offices,school buildings,compounds etc - Instructions to Officers-reg Cir.No. Dt. 18/09/2020
PRISM - Pension Information System - Instructions to nodal officers Cir.No. 51/2020/Fin Dt. 15/09/2020
Special English in the SSLC exam for students coming from other states/coutries - Letter Cir Dt.26/07/2018 and Lr.Dt. 09/09/2020
Contributory Pension Scheme - Employees found eligible for Statutory Pension - The amount remitted in PRAN - Refund Instructions - Cir.No. 45/2020/Fin Dt. 19/08/2020
Onam 2020 - Early disbursement of salary to daily wage / contract employees - Order G.O.(P)No. 112/2020/Fin Dt. 19/08/2020
Appointment approval through SAMANWAYA - Online auditing - Instructions Cir.No. H2/6448/2020/DGE Dt. 17/08/2020
Onam Advance 2020 - Order G.O.(P)No. 108/2020/Fin Dt. 15/08/2020
Onam Bonus and special festival allowance 2019-20 - Order G.O.(P)No. 107/2020/Fin Dt. 15/08/2020
Covid 19 - Upkeeping of ICT equipments in schools - Instructions to HMs Cir.No. Dt. 04/08/2020
Covid 19 -Salary Challenge - Central Govt employees on deputation - Exempted - Cir. Dt. 03/08/2020
Covid 19 - Daily wage employees - Remuneration during absence due to lock down - Instructions - Order G.O.(P)No. 99/2020/Fin Dt. 30/07/2020
Special Disability Leave under Rule 98,Part I, KSR - Clarification Cir.No. 42/2020/Fin Dt. 30/07/2020
Staff Fixation 2020-21 - Letter Lr.No. J2/57/2020/G.Edn Dt. 27/07/2020
General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules 2011 - Rectification of GPF Forms in SPARK and Amendment to GPF Rule related to the interval between two consecutive Temporary Advances - Orders issued. G.O.(P)No. 95/2020/Fin Dt. 21/07/2020
The Kerala Service Rules - Deferment of Surrender of Earned Leave - extended - orders issued G.O.(P)No. 94/2020/Fin Dt. 17/07/2020
The Kerala Service Rules, Part I - Ex-gratia allowance under Rules 90-A - Modified - Orders issued… G.O.(P)No. 93/2020/Fin Dt. 08/07/2020
Statutory Pension - Mobility - Option date extended - Order G.O.(P)No. 92/2020/Fin Dt. 06/07/2020
SSLC Exam March 2020 - Revaluation,Photocopy,Scrutiny - Application reg Cir. Dt. 01/07/2020
Covid 19 - Economy measures - Leave surrender bill - Instructions from Treasury Directorate Lr.No. Dt. 29/06/2020
OEC Lumpsum grant - Instructions to schools Cir.No. Dt. 19/06/2020
Promotion of students for the year 2020-21 - 8 std - Marks counting for prematric scholarship exams - Instructions Lr.No. Dt. 19/06/2020
Inspire Award - 2020-21 - Online entry - Instructions Lr.No. Dt. 18/06/2020
Appointment approval - Revision petition through SAMANWAYA - Instructions Cir.No. Dt. 19/06/2020
Provisional list of NMMSE - Nov 2019 Dt. 19/06/2020
Covid 19 - Guidelines for functioning of Govt offices - Order G.O.(P)No. 117/2020/GAD Dt. 18/06/2020
GPAIS 2020 - Premium remitting - last date extended - Order G.O.(P)No. 83/2020/Fin Dt. 17/06/2020
Primary HM promotion - SLP in Supreme Court - Status quo maintaining judgment Dt. 17/06/2020
Medical reimbursement - Treatment in Govt approved private hospitals - Revised instructions Cir.No. 34/2020/Fin Dt. 12/06/2020
Covid 19 - Online Class - further guidelines reg - Proceedings of DPI Dt. 12/06/2020
KPSC appointment - Implementation of Aadhar based bio metric verification - Order G.O.(MS)No. PA&RD Dt. 11/06/2020
SSLC Exam March 2020 - Centralised Valuation - Remuneration Dt. 11/06/2020
Primary HM promotion - High Court judgment regarding departmental test qualification W.P© - 12838/2019 Dt. 10/06/2020
Noon Meal - Empty sack selling - Instructions Dt. 10/06/2020
Covid 19 - Daily waged employees /contract labourers - absence due to lockdown considered as duty -Order 75/2020/Fin Dt. 08/06/2020
Online Genl transfer for last grade servants - reg Lr.No. Dt. 08/06/2020
Admission of pupils transferring from unrecognised unaided schools for the year 2020-21 - Order G.O.(Rt)No. 1846/2020/G.Edn Dt. 05/06/2020
KSR - Undertaking regarding excess pay refund - Time period extended - Order G.O.(P)No. 70/2020/Fin Dt. 02/06/2020
Caste name Ezhava as Ezhava ,Thiyya, Billava in certificates - Permission accorded - Order G.O.(MS)No. 7/2020/BCCD Dt. 27/05/2020
Covid 19 - Deferment of salary - Exemption to those who contributed one month salary - Order G.O.(P)No. 64/2020/Fin Dt. 21/05/2020
Promotion should be only in the cadre post of the department - Reg Cir.No. 26/2020/Fin Dt. 19/05/2020
Pupils' class Promotion List 2020-21 preparation - Guidelines Cir.No. Dt. 08/05/2020
Promotion List - Format in excel (Primary)
Promotion List - Format in excel HS
Covid 19 - Payment of wages to contractual/ daily wage employees - extension order G.O.(P)No. 57/2020/Fin Dt. 08/05/2020
Usage and maintenance of ICT equipments during vacation - Circular Cir.No. Dt. 07/05/2020
Video tutorial on usage and maintenance of ICT equipments during vacation Dt. 07/05/2020
Elevanth Pay revision commission - tenure extended upto 31/12/2020 - Order G.O.(MS)No. 54/2020/Fin Dt. 07/05/2020
Covid 19 - Deferment of salary for 5 months - NPS deduction - Clarification Cir.No. 22/2020/Fin Dt. 06/05/2020
School academic year 2020-21 - Reopening instructions Cir. Dt. 05/05/2020
Covid 19 - Deferment of salary - Exemption to those who have already contributed one month salary to CMDRF Cir.No. ITSF -2/7/2020/Fin-(1) Dt. 04/05/2020
Covid 19- Loans and advances of Govt employees - deferred for the months from April to Aug 2020- Order G.O.(P)No. 54/2020/Fin Dt. 01/05/2020
Covid 19- Loans and advances of Govt employees - deferred for the months from April to Aug 2020- Order G.O.(P)No. 50/2020/Fin Dt. 28/04/2020
NCC/MNO - PRCN Courses considered as duty - Circular Cir.No. Dt. 27/04/2020
Temp Employees wages - paperless bill drawing through SPARK - Order G.O.(P)No. 48/2020/Fin Dt. 27/04/2020
Covid 19 - Economic measures - Processing salary bill for the month of April 2020 to Aug 2020 in SPARK - instructions Cir.No. ITSF-2/07/2020/Fin Dt. 25/04/2020
Salary Bill for the month of April 2020 - Paperless - Order G.O.(P)No. 44/2020/Fin Dt. 20/04/2020
Covid 19 - Economic measures - Govt employees and teachers - Six days Salary deferred - Order G.O.(P)No. 46/2020/Fin Dt. 23/04/2020
Covid 19 - Revised guidelines - Order G.O.(MS)No. 78/2020/GAD Dt. 17/04/2020
Kerala Service Rules - Periodical Surrender of Earned Leave - deferred - Orders issued G.O.(P)No. 42/2020/Fin Dt. 16/04/2020
Payment of wages to contractual/Daily wage employees during lock down period of Covid 19 - Clarification G.O.(P)No.40/2020/Fin Dt. 09/04/2020
Payment of wages to contractual/daily wage employees during lock down period of Covid 19 - Modification order G.O.(P)No.37/2020/Fin Dt. 03/04/2020
Covid 19 - Community kitchen - Balance stock of rice handing over - reg Lr. Dt. 27/03/2020
Pre-Primary teachers and ayas - Honorarium - Revised rate Dt. 27/03/2020
Daily wage staff - Payment of wages during lock down period - Order G.O.(P)No.3/2020/Fin Dt. 26/03/2020
Covid 19 - Surveillance - Revised vacation days - Order G.O.(Rt)No.402/2020/G.Edn Dt. 24/03/2020
ICT training prior to vacation training - Clarification Dt. 19/03/2020
Compassionate ground inter district transfer 2020-21 - Teachers - Application invited Lr.No. Dt. 13/03/2020
School planning for the remaining period of the academic year 2019-20 Cir.No. Dt. 13/03/2020
General Transfer 2020-21 - HMs and AEOs - Circular Dt. 10/03/2020
Dearness allowance merging for the period from 1/1/2005 to 1/1/2017 - Extension order G.O.(P)No.5/2020/Fin Dt. 10/03/2020
Little Kites - Grace Mark - Instructions Cir.No. Dt. 06/03/2020
General Transfer - techers - Cir II Cir.No. Dt. 06/03/2020
Little Kites - Grace mark for SSLC examination - Order G.O.(Rt)No.1074/2020/G.Edn Dt. 02/03/2020
Bharath seva samaj diploma - Qualification for sewing/craft teachers - Order G.O.(MS)No. Dt. 25/02/2020
English language - Skill improvement - E cube -programme - Order G.O.(Rt)No.804/2020/G.Edn Dt. 17/02/2020
10% reservation for economically weaker section of the forward communities - guidelines - Order 2/2020/P&ARD Dt. 12/02/2020
Service book of teachers and non teaching staff of aided schools - Service verification - Sr.Supdts of the AEOs G.O.(MS)No.17/2020/G.Edn Dt. 01/02/2020
Account General - audit - clearing of objections - Instructions Cir.No. Dt. 15/01/2020
Inviting service card for Junior Superintendent promotion Cir.No. Dt. 29/01/2020
Provisional seniority list of Jr.Supdts for the period from 01/01/2017 to 31/12/2017 Cir.No. Dt. 29/01/2020
Medical reimbursement - application submission - Instructions Cir.No. Dt. 25/01/2020
Senior clerk promotion - Service Card - called for Cir.No. Dt. 23/01/2020
Provisional Seniority List of Senior Superintendents Order No. D1/72500/2016/DGE Dt. 25/01/2020
School IT labs have to be used by all sections disregarding primary,HS and HSS Cir.No. Dt. 15/01/2020
Punching in Govt offices - Order 192/2020/P&ARD Dt. 13/01/2020
PSC exam conducting in schools - Instructions G.O.(P)No.2/2020/P&ARD Dt. 13/01/2020
SSLC - Social Studies Exam - syllabus modification Cir.No. Dt. 10/01/2020
Genl Edn - Official Communication through electronic means - guidelines Cir.No. Dt. 03/01/2020
KSR - Excess drawal of salary - Refund undertaking G.O.(P)No.69/2019/Fin Dt. 13/12/2019
LTC - leave Travel Concession of officers - Air fare rate -Clarification Cir.No. Dt. 03/12/2019
School and surrounding should be kept clean - Instructions Cir.No. Dt. 22/11/2019
Conveyance allowance during vacation time - Govt clarification Lr.No. R3/139/2018-GEDN Dt. 19/11/2019
K-TET qualification - extension - Order G.O.(MS)No.194/2019/G.Edn Dt. 15/11/2019
KSR - special casual leaveto employees undergo angioplasty G.O.(P)No.153/2019/Fin Dt. 06/11/2019
Submission of TA Bills - Instructions G.O.(P)No.15/2019/G.Edn Dt. 05/11/2019
Aided school ministerial staff Association - recognition cancelled - Order G.O.(MS)No.180/2019/G.Edn Dt. 31/10/2019
Provisional /Broken service shall not reckon for pension - Clarification - Order G.O.(MS)No. 401/2019/Fin Dt. 28/10/2019
Religious education in schools - Instructions Cir.No. Dt. 22/10/2019
Time Bound Higher Grade - Granting two 28 A fixations after getting by transfer promotion - Clarification G.O.(P)No.141/2019/Fin Dt. 19/10/2019
Asbetos sheet roofs in schools - removal of such sheets - Order G.O.(MS)No.162/2019/G.Edn Dt. 09/10/2019
Appointment of temporary staff in recognised posts - Cir.No. 83/2019/Fin Dt. 05/10/2019
Genl Edn - Purchasing of computer hardwares in schools and offices - Guidelines G.O.(Rt)No.847/2019/G.Edn Dt. 27/09/2019
Reoption for Hr Grade- 2004,2009 Pay revision audit objections - Order G.O.(Rt)No.129/2019/Fin Dt. 23/09/2019
Direction to register all temporary employees including recruitment through employment exchange (no Cir.No. Dt. 03/09/2019
Service Period before resignation - Counting for benefits - Clarification Cir.No. J1/180/2019/G.Edn Dt. 31/08/2019
Daily wage employment on holidays - Clarification G.O.(P)No.19/2019/Fin Dt. 30/08/2019
Onam Advance 2019 - Order G.O.(P)No.115/2019/Fin Dt. 26/08/2019
Ad-Hoc Bonus and Special Festival Allowance 2018-19 to State Government Employees and Pensioners- G.O.(P)No.116/2019/Fin Dt. 26/08/2019
Salary of Gazatted employees - Instructions to DDOs - reg Cir.No. Dt. 22/08/2019
Higher Secondary Education - Appointment on daily wages for short period - Clarification G.O.(Rt)No. 3371/2019/G.Edn Dt. 22/08/2019
Appointment of 51 A claimants in uneconomic schools - Circular Cir.No.J3/80/2019/G.Edn Dt. 20/08/2019
HST (P.S) - amendment in the order clarifying qualification - Order G.O.(MS)No.128/2019/G.Edn Dt. 20/08/2019
Pension - Leap year extra days have to be separately counted for pension - Order G.O.(P)No.102/2019/Fin Dt. 14/08/2019
Part time post to full time post will not be an additional post - Clarification Cir.No. J3/125/2019/G.Edn Dt. 14/08/2019
Kerala School Sasthrolsavam- Manual G.O.(MS)No.119/2019/G.Edn Dt. 08/08/2019
Joining time in the case of General Transfer - Clarification Cir.No. 72/2019/Fin Dt. 08/08/2019
HST (Phy.Science) - Qualification - Rule 43,51A and 51B claimants exempted G.O.(MS)No.118/2019/G.Edn Dt. 08/08/2019
Deploma in Fashion Designing from IGNOU - Eligible for sewing teacher post - order G.O.(MS)No.114/2019/G.Edn Dt. 06/08/2019
Higher Secondary Education - Blind students - exempted from diagram drawing in exams -Order G.O.(MS)No. 106/2019/G.Edn Dt. 02/08/2019
Prak Shasthri from Delhi Rashtriya Samkritha Samsthan,Thiruppathi Rashtriya Samskritha Peedom - Equavalent G.O.(MS)No.104/2019/G.Edn Dt. 01/08/2019
Relinquishing promotion to Principal post by HSST/HM - Sanctioning Higher Grade - reg Cir.No. G.EDN-U2/173/2018/G.Edn Dt. 25/07/2019
Staff Fixation 2019-20 - Protecting retrenched staff - Instructions - Order G.O.(MS)No.95/2019/G.Edn Dt. 23/07/2019
Aided primary HMs - Higher Grade - Pay revision from 1985 onwards - amendment - Order G.O.(P)No. 90/2019/Fin Dt. 18/07/2019
Computer course forTeachers probation declaration - Relaxation to teachers joined upto 01/12/2018 - order 89/2019/G.Edn Dt. 16/07/2019
Aided schools - Appointment of daily wage teachers during 2016-17 - Approval order 2612/2019/G.Edn Dt. 29/06/2019
Aided schools - Disciplinary action against teachers by manager - rejoining instructions J1/164/2019/G.Edn Dt. 28/06/2019
Staff Fixation through samanwaya - Instructions Cir.No.H2/19500/2019/DGE Dt. 26/06/2019
HST (Phy.Sc) - Qualification amendment - Clarification on the date of effect - Order G.O.(MS)No.58/2019/G.Edn Dt. 26/06/2019
Appointment of teachers in Special Casual Leave vacancies - Order G.O.(MS)No.71/2019/G.Edn Dt. 25/06/2019
Samanwaya Software - online application submission - last date extended upto 29/6/2019 G.O.(MS)No.63/2019/G.Edn Dt. 18/06/2019
Teachers newly appointed - K-TET - Probation - Clarification Lr.No. Dt. 18/06/2019
Approval of appointment through SAMANWAYA Software reg Cir.No. Dt. 14/06/2019
Director of General Education - Change in Designation - reg Cir.No. Dt. 13/06/2019
H.S.T. (Physical Science) - Basic qualification - Revised order G.O.(MS)No.58/2019/G.Edn Dt. 06/06/2019
B.Ed Degree in Social Studies and English from Regional Institute of Mysore - qualified for HST (SS,Eng) G.O.(Rt)No.2135/2019/G.Edn Dt. 04/06/2019
Daily wage appointments in aided schools - guidelines GO(Rt)No.2106/2019/G.Edn Dt. 03/06/2019
Daily wage appointment in Govt schools - Guidelines 2106/2019/G.Edn Dt. 03/06/2019
Daily wage appointment in Govt schools - Guidelines G.O.(Rt)No. 2105/2019/G.Edn Dt.03/06/2019
Daily wage appointments in Govt schools - guidelines GO(Rt)No.2105/2019/G.Edn Dt. 03/06/2019
Daily wage teachers in protected teachers post - reg Dt. 02/06/2019
Integration of Classes from I to XII under one Head - Director of General Education - as proposed in Khader Commision Report - Order - G.O.(MS)No. 53/2019/G.Edn Dt. 31/05/2019
Broken service in different management schools - counting for grade - Clarification Lr.No. B1/133/2019/G.Edn Dt. 12/04/2019
Payment of Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees and Dearness Relief to State Service Pensioners/Family Pensioners - Revised rates effective from 01/01/2018 and 01/07/2018 - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.44/2019/Fin Dt. 04/04/2019
Gazatted ministerial staff - Probation application - reg Cir.No. D1/3500/2019/DPI Dt. 04/04/2019
Revision of the Upper Monetary Limit for various categories of Sanctioning Authorities for sanctioning NRA/Conversion of TA to NRA-Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.37/2019/Fin Dt. 30/03/2019
Pension proposal routed through online PRISM software - implemented in all departments - Order G.O.(P)No.35/2019/Fin Dt. 25/03/2019
Daily wage appointment when a senior's appointment approval is pending - reg Lr.No. H2/2150/2019/DPI Dt. 23/03/2019
H.S.A - Final Seniority List for the period from 01/01/2001 to 31/12/2006 - Order SY(1)/60000/2015/DPI Dt. 23/03/2019
Aided school teachers appointment and deployment of protected teachers - reg Cir.No. J2/57/2019/G.Edn Dt. 08/03/2019
Blind teachers - Probation - Computer exam - Alternative arrangement - Order G.O.(Rt)No. 797/2019/G.Edn Dt. 28/02/2019
Universities in Kerala - Degree in Arabic and Islamic Hisotory double main - eligible for LP/UP appointments - G.O.(MS)No.8/2019/G.Edn Dt. 14/01/2019
PTA executive in aided schools - school managers included - G.O.(MS)No.7/2019/G.Edn Dt. 11/01/2019
General Provident Fund (Kerala) Rules 2011 - Implementation of an integrated system for online submission G.O.(P)No.189/2018/Fin Dt. 10/12/2018
K-TET - Application revised guidelines - Post graduation in concerned subject included G.O.(MS)No.172/2018 Dt. 04/12/2018
2018-19 - Inter district transfer of teachers - Guidelines Cir.No. Dt. 03/12/2018
SPARK PMU General Guidelines to be followed by users and also for data correction Cir. Dt. 30/11/2018
School, TTI,DIET PTA activities - efficiency and transparency called for - Instructions Cir. Dt. 22/11/2018
HST promotion from the category of UPST (protected) - Eligible for protection Cir. Dt. 19/11/2018
House Building Advance - Updating KYC details in SPARK and submission of KYC details to Punjab National Cir.No.105/2018/Fin Dt. 17/11/2018
National Pension Scheme - Statutory pension for full time employees/teachers who were Part time G.O.(P)No.178/2018/Fin Dt. 16/11/2018
DPC (Higher) - CR publishing reg - Lr. Dt. 15/11/2018
GPAIS - Renewal for the year 2019 - Order G.O.(P)No.175/2018/Fin Dt. 12/11/2018
B.A. Urdu and Islamic history double main from Kannur University - Eligible for Jr.Language Tr, H.S.A (Urdu) -Order G.O.(MS)No.158/2018/G.Edn Dt. 12/11/2018
Flood - CMDRF - One month salary contribution from pensioners - Guidelines G.O.(P)No.171/2018/Fin Dt. 07/11/2018
KSR Part I - LWA as per Annexure XII A and XII C - Application processing instructions G.O.(P)No.170/2018/Fin Dt. 05/11/2018
Pay Revision 2014 - Arrears - Fourth installment -Directions to process the same in SPARK Cir. Dt. 16/10/2018
Kerala Service Rules - Special Casual Leave to employees who donate blood components Cir.No.160/2018/Fin Dt. 10/10/2018
Kalolsavam Manual - Amendment - Order G.O.(MS)No.144/2018/G.Edn Dt. 06/10/2018
Leave Travel Concession (LTC) - Change in destination - Clarification - Cir.No. Dt. 05/10/2018
Thiruppathi prak shasthri Course accorded the status equivalent to Pre Degree/Plus Two - Order G.O.(MS)No.137/2018/G.Edn Dt. 03/10/2018
CMDRF - Sanctioning NRA for the purpose of contribution - Order G.O.(P) Dt. 26/09/2018
Finance Department— CMDRF - Salary Challenge - Modification in SPARK Cir. Dt. 25/09/2018
Pay and Pension Revision 2014 - Payment of Fourth Instalment of Arrears G.O.(P)No.146/2018/Fin Dt. 16/09/2018
MEDISEP - the last date for collecting data extended upto 30/11/2018 Cir. Dt. 15/09/2018
Provident fund interest rate is 7.6% for the period from 1.7.2018 to 30.9.2018 G.O.(P)No.145/2018/Fin Dt. 12/09/2018
Kerala Flood Relief - One month salary of Govt Employees to CMDRF G.O.(P)No.144/2018/Fin Dt. 11/09/2018
Aided schools - appointments made in between 2006-07 and 28/1/2016 - Clarification Cir.No. Dt. 11/09/2018
Statutary pension - Employees entitiled to continue - Mobility option submitting reg G.O.(P)No.142/2018/Fin Dt. 10/09/2018
SPARK PMU - Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Establishing Connectivity between SPARK and other Cir. Dt. 07/09/2018
School inspection - guidelines to educational officers - Circular Cir.No.Dt. 07/09/2018
Prematric scholarship 2018-19 - Application invited - Instructions Cir. Dt. 05/09/2018
DPC - Confidential report submitting reg Cir.No. Dt. 05/09/2018
Use of the word 'Dalit' to denote Scheduled caste / tribe members - discontinued - Instructions Cir. Dt. 01/09/2018
Provisional service shall not reckon for pension - Amendment - Order G.O.(P)No. 128/2018/Fin Dt. 10/08/2018
Promotion of Clerks as Senior Clerks - Orders issued Dt. 02/08/2018
Daily waged employees - rate of remuneration enhanced - Order G.O.(P)No.112/2018/Fin Dt. 21/07/2018
Staff Fixation 20018-19 - Non teaching staff - ratio brought down - Order G.O.(Rt)No.2726/2018/G.Edn Dt. 19/07/2018
KSFE Recovery from the salary of State Government Employees through SPARK - Clarification issued. Cir.No.65/2018/Fin Dt. 17/07/2018
Staff Fixation 20018-19 - 1:40 ratio to protect teachers - Order G.O.(Rt)No.2577/2018/G.Edn Dt. 10/07/2018
Primary HM promotion - Minimum qualifying service of 12 years stipulated - order G.O.(P)No.16/2018/G.edn Dt. 09/07/2018
Pending files - File Audit - Instructions Cir.No Dt. 28/06/2018
Sixth working day report on school education 2018-19 Dt. 23/06/2018
Pay revision 2004 and 2009 - repotion - time limit Cir.No.58/2018/Fin Dt. 23/06/2018
Pay revision 2004 and 2009 - re-option in the case of audit objections - allowed - Order G.O.(P)No.96/2018/Fin Dt. 22/06/2018
Daily wages teachers - attending teachers training - reg Cir.No. Dt. 21/06/2018
Finance Department—Pay Revision arrears— Third installment—Directions to process the same in SPARK -Modified instructions to re process the erroneous first& second installment Dt. 20/06/2018
Schools in which STD 5 and STD 8 started in the year 2017-18 - TC issuing regarding Cir. Dt. 18/06/2018
Kerala Service (Seventh Amendment Rules) 2018 G.O.(P)No.93/2018/Fin Dt. 16/06/2018
Kerala Service (Sixth Amendment Rules) 2018 - G.O.(P)No.92/2018/Fin Dt. 16/06/2018
WP(c) 833/2018 filed by individual managers - Implementation of judgment - Order G.O.(Rt)No.2243/2018/G.Edn Dt. 16/06/2018
Staff Fixation 2018-19 - Guidelines -Cir. Dt. 16/06/2018
B.Ed training 2018-20 - Dept quota - application invited - Notification Dt. 14/06/2018
Kerala Service (Fifth Amendment Rules) 2018 - G.O.(P)No.91/2018/Fin Dt. 14/06/2018
Kerala Service (Fourth Amendment) Rules 2018 - 90/2018/Fin Dt. 14/06/2018
Schools where minimum number of students are not available - Guidelines for appointment and transfer - Order G.O.(MS)No.83/2018/G.Edn Dt. 12/06/2018
2015-16 staff fixation - retrenched period - excess amount drawn not to be recovered - order G.O.(MS)No.82/2018/G.Edn Dt. 08/06/2018
Dearness Allowance for Government Employees and Dearness Relief for pensioners - Revised G.O.(P)No.84/2018/Fin Dt. 07/06/2018
Sewing teacher qualification - Diploma from Kerala Industries and labour employment (KILE) recognised - Order G.O.(MS)No.74/2018/G.Edn Dt. 29/05/2018
Hi tech school programme - Guidelines G.O.(Rt)No.1968/2018/G.Edn Dt. 28/05/2018
Samagra portal - detailed guidelines
LPST/UPST Malayalam medium qualification - learning of Malayalam - revised order G.O.(MS)No.67/2018/G.Edn Dt. 22/05/2018
General Administration - implementation of punching system in govt offices and schools - order G.O.(MS)No.108/2018/GAD Dt. 18/05/2018
Daily wage appointment in govt schools 2018-19 - guidelines G.O.(Rt)No. 1840/2018/G.Edn Dt. 18/05/2018
Daily wage teachers - Aided schools - 2018-19 - Order G.O.(Rt)No.1841/2018/G.Edn Dt. 18/05/2018
Daily wage teachers - Govt schools - 2018-19 - Order G.O.(Rt)No.1840/2018/G.Edn Dt. 18/05/2018
SSLC Exam - Differently abled students - Service of scribes - Controlling malpractice - Order G.O.(MS)No.63/2018/G.Edn Dt. 15/05/2018
K-TET Exam June 2018 - Notification Dt. 14/05/2018
Govt/Aided schools fund raising - reg Cir. Dt. 03/05/2018
K-TET Exams are to be conducted three times a year - Order G.O.(MS)No.44/2018/G.Edn Dt. 24/04/2018
Internal audit - lapse in compliance - detailed instructions Cir. Dt. 20/04/2018
Admitting students from unrecognised unaided schools - order dt. 5/4/2018 -- erratum G.O.(Rt)No.1490/2018/G.Edn Dt. 18/04/2018
Admitting students from unrecognised unaided schools for the year 2018-19 - Order G.O.(Rt)No.1327/2018/G.Edn Dt. 05/04/2018
Revision of pension and other related benefits consequent on Revision of Pay scales from 01/07/2014 - Modification G.O.(P)No.56/2018/Fin Dt. 03/04/2018
Reckoning prior Central Govt service of University employees for pensionary benefits G.O.(P)No.53/2018/Fin Dt. 30/03/2018
SPARK - General Instructions for Strengthening Security Cir. Dt. 27/03/2018
Reckoning aided school service and aided college service for pension - Clarification G.O.(P)No.47/2018/Fin Dt. 21/03/2018
B.Ed in concerned subjects before 2005 - exemption - order G.O.(P)No.7/2018/G.Edn Dt. 19/03/2018
PTCM Provident fund - TA/NRA sanctioning limit - revised - Order G.O.(P)No.37/2018/Fin Dt. 13/03/2018
K-TET - exemption - amendment in KER - clarification Cir.No.1866829 /J3 /17 / G.Edn Dt. 09/03/2018
General Education Department- Judgement of Hon'ble High court-directions reg Cir.Dt. 06/03/2018
PTCM - sweeping area - temporary sheds exempted - Order G.O.(P)No.34/2018/Fin Dt. 06/03/2018
Promotion of HMs in Govt Primary Schools - KER made compulsory - Order G.O.(MS)No.27/2018/Gedn Dt. 06/03/2018
SSLC book - Option for entering "Transgender" - Order G.O.(P)No.5/2018/Gedn Dt. 06/03/2018
Conducting unauthorized competitive exams in schools - restricted Cir. Dt. 06/03/2018
Aided school appointment - vacation salary - clarification - Lr. Dt. 05/03/2018
Permanent appointment of temporary employees with prior date - restricted - Order G.O.(P)No.31/2018/Fin Dt. 03/03/2018
Pre - KER buildings for staff fixation - revised directions Cir.No.53/M1/2018/G.Edn Dt. 27/02/2018
Issuance of LPC in respect of Gazetted Officers on transfer/promotion to Accountant General- Instructions Cir.No. Dt. 26/02/2018
LPSA UPSA Shifting case study 823/2018/G.Edn Dt. 23/02/2018
School Sureksha Authority - 2016 Cir.No. Dt. 22/02/2018
DA - Time limit for crediting arrears to Provident Fund account - Extended G.O.(P)No.23/2018/Fin Dt. 20/02/2018
Qualification for promotion to the cadre of HM in Aided Primary Schools - KER made compulsory - Order G.O.(MS)No.16/2018/G.Edn Dt. 19/02/2018
ORC (Our Responsibilities to Children) school nodal teacher included in PTA executive committee - orders issued G.O.(MS)No.17/2017/G.Edn Dt. 19/02/2018
Reckoning of aided school service and aided college services for pension - Modification G.O.(P)No.21/2018/Fin Dt. 16/02/2018
Regularisation of appointment of aided school teachers appointed in between 2006-2011 G.O.(P)No.2/2018/G.Edn Dt. 16/02/2018
HSST - General transfer norms - revised - Order G.O.(P)No.1/2018/G.Edn Dt. 09/02/2018
General instructions for preparation of Bill in SPARK for the period prior to 2/2011 in the case of employees Cir. Dt. 08/02/2018
Provisional seniority list of AA/AO/APFO Dt. 20/01/2018
Provisional seniority list of Senior superintendent for the period from 1/10/2016 to 31/12/2017 Dt. 20/01/2018
Pay revision 2014 - anomaly rectification - instructions Cir.No.7/2018/Fin Dt. 19/01/2018
Genl Education revamping programme - Fund collection - Opening of TSB account in the name of HMs - Order G.O.(Rt)No.389/2018/Fin Dt. 17/01/2018
NPS - Employees who have the option of continuing in statutory pension - Delay in option form submitting - Instructions - G.O.(P)No.7/18/Fin Dt. 12/01/2018
General Education Department- High tech school project- ICT equipment- contract between KITE and school- G.O.(Rt)No.165-G.Edn dtd 10/01/2018 Dt. 10/01/2018
Appointment approved as per G.O.(P)No.29/2016/G.Edn dt.29/01/2016 - Merging salary with PF - Instructions Cir. Dt. 10/01/2018
SSLC Exam March 2018 - Modification in Social studies exam Dt. 09/01/2018
General Education Department- High tech school project- ICT hardware purchase-renewed guidelines - Order G.O.(Rt)No.97-G.Edn Dt. 06/01/2018
Notional higher grade to Higher Secondary School Principals - Order G.O.(P)No.1/2018/(92)/Fin Dt. 01/01/2018
Continued in Archives
Pay revision 2004 - anomaly in pension - KAT order complied with - Order G.O.(P)No.159/2017/Fin Dt. 27/12/2017
Implementation of GAINPF system - Introduction of online PF admission and closure in GAINPF G.O.(P)No.158/2017/Fin Dt. 23/12/2017
Time bound higher grade sanctioning - instructions - Cir.No.96/2017/Fin Dt. 23/12/2017
National pension scheme - aided school teachers - pension contribution from the effective date of appointment - Cir.No.94/2017/Fin Dt. 20/12/2017
Pay Revision 2014- Rules for Fixation of Pay - Modified- Orders Issued. G.O.(P)No.157/2017/Fin Dt. 19/12/2017
Head of account for part time contingent/daily wage/casual/contract employees bill Cir.No.91/2017/Fin Dt. 16/12/2017
Head of account for part time contingent/daily wage/casual/contract employees bill Cir.No.91/2017/Fin Dt. 16/12/2017
Daily wage teachers appointment - clarification - Lr.Dt. 16/12/2017
HM promotion during additional leave and Maternity leave continuation - questionnaire - KPPHA Nov 2017 Dt. 16/12/2017
Staff Fixation 2016-17- Directions - Cir.No.110/J2/17/Gedn Dt. 15/12/2017
Headmaster promotion - preference for test qualified teachers - KER amendment G.O.(MS)No.157/2015/G.Edn Dt. 13/12/2017
LSS/USS Exam 2017-18 - Notification Dt. 11/12/2017
Income Tax deduction for the F.Y 2017-18 - Circular - Govt of India Cir.No.29/2017 Dt. 05/12/2017
Staff fixation - Redeployment of protected teachers - Order G.O.(MS)No.149/2017/Gedn Dt. 22/11/2017
Staff fixation - Redeployment of protected teachers - Order G.O.(MS)No.149/2017/Gedn Dt. 22/11/2017
NPS - Subscription of aided school staff - clarification Cir.No.149/2017/Fin Dt. 18/11/2017
K-TET 217 December - Notification Dt. 18/11/2017
Payment of PF, SLI subscription in treasury - absence of account number - instructions Cir. Dt. 10/11/2017
Unauthorised scholarship exams in schools - restriction Dt. 26/10/2017
K-TET exemption extended upto March 2019 - Order G.O.(MS)No.134/2017/G.Edn Dt. 30/10/2017
SRADHA - Module Dt. 30/10/2017
Nava Prabha - English Module Dt. 26/10/2017
SSLC Examination March 2018 - Notification Dt. 25/10/2017
GPAIS - renewed for the year 2018 - Order - G.O.(P)No.133/2017/Fin Dt. 21/10/2017
SSLC March 2018 - Differently abled Children - Instructions Cir. Dt. 12/10/2017
Judgment in W.P.(c) No1356/2017 - appointment of protected teachers Dt. 11/10/2017
Modifying and renaming Form II and Form 2 in the Pension Book and KSR Part III - Revised G.O.(P)No.127/2017/Fin Dt. 05/10/2017
School Kalolsavam Manual 2017 G.O.(MS)No.121/2017 Dt. 05/10/2017
School library - Purchasing of books - NBS included Dt. 27/09/2017
Special Allowance for handling cash-Discontinued G.O.(P)No.125/2017/(81)/Fin Dt. 23/09/2017
Pay Revision 20 1 4-Travelling Allowance- maximum amount of Auto Rikshaw / Taxi Fare per day - fixed G.O.(P)No.121/2017(79)/Fin Dt. 11/09/2017
Specialist teachers - Teacher student ratio revised to accommodate excess teachers 2017-18 - Order G.O.(MS)No.111/2017/Gedn Dt. 07/09/2017
Appointment approval 2017 -18 - Instructions Cir.No.H2/34017/2017/DPI Dt. 07/09/2017
Specialist teachers - Teacher student ratio revised to accommodate excess teachers 2017-18 - Order G.O.(MS)No.111/2017/Gedn Dt. 07/09/2017
Appointment approval 2017 -18 - Instructions Cir.No.H2/34017/2017/DPI Dt. 07/09/2017
Bank Guarantee scheme for students who secure admission in the designated self Financing Medical colleges G.O.(P)No.118/2017/Fin Dt. 30/08/2017
Introduction of Debit/Credit Card Payment Gateway in e-treasury System G.O.(P)No.117/2017/Fin Dt. 30/08/2017
General Transfer - Physically Challenged employees - reservation - Order G.O.(MS)No.18/2017/P & ARD Dt. 29/08/2017
DLED (Hindi) - Approval of course for one year - Perinhanam Hindi Prajara sangam - Order G.O.(Rt) Dt. 25/08/2017
Timely Implementation of Judgments - Govt Instructions Cir.No.1665101/E3/2017/G.Edn Dt. 24/08/2017
Surrender of earned leave-Eligibility of provisional and Contract Employees-Clarification Issued. Cir.No.67/2017/Fin Dt. 23/08/2017
Special festival allowance and Bonus 2017 - Order G.O.(P)No.107/2017/Fin Dt. 16/08/2017
Onam advance 2017 - Order G.O.(P)No.108/2017/Fin Dt. 16/08/2017
High Court judgment quashing Govt Orders invalidating broken service prior to regular service for pension W.P.(C) 30167/2016 Dt. 14/08/2017
Approval of appointment - Teachers package 2011 - Teacher on LWA - Audit reg:- Dt. 29/07/2017
Introduction of Pension Portal for all service pensioners in the State for pension related information G.O.(P)No.00/2017/Fin Dt. 29/07/2017
KSR - Grant of special casual leave to Govt servants elected to Library council - Order - G.O.(P)No.99/2017/Fin Dt. 29/07/2017
Lab Assistant post renamed as Lab Technical Assistant G.O.(P)No.98/2017/Fin Dt. 28/07/2017
Co-operative Recovery from the salary of State Government Employees through SPARK - Clarification issued. G.O.(P)No.60/2017/Fin Dt. 28/07/2017
Protected Teachers deployed in Govt schools -reporting of vacancies to PSC - Instructions to DDEs Lr. Dt. 25/07/2017
Students savings scheme - Guidelines G.O.(MS)No. Dt. 21/07/2017
Minutes of meeting held on 29/05/2017 and 30/05/2017 Dt. 21/07/2017
Staff Fixation 2017 -18 - Teacher student ratio as 1:40 - DPI's Instructions Cir.No.H(2)/34017/2017/DPI Dt. 19/07/2017
Text Book Price - 2017-18 Dt. 19/07/2017
Delinquency in crediting Pay Revision arrears-Strict Instructions and Time Limit Cir.No.55/2017/Fin Dt. 18/07/2017
Staff Fixation 2017-18 - Teacher student ratio reduced to 1:40 for classes 9 and 10 - Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.80/2017/G.Edn Dt. 18/07/2017
Death while in Govt service - Debt writing off - amount raised to Rs. 5 lakh - Order G.O.(P)No.91/2017/Fin Dt. 17/07/2017
Staff Fixation 2017 -18 -Deployment of Protected Teachers - Cir.No. Dt. 14/07/2017
Staff Fixation 2017 -18 -Deployment of Protected Teachers - Cir. Dt. 13/07/2017
Staff Fixation 2017 -18 - Cir. Dt. 11/07/2017
Staff Fixation 2017-18 - Cir. Dt. 10/07/2017
Staff Fixation 2017 -18 - deployment of excess teachers -Lr. Dt. 06/07/2017
GPF- TA/NRA sanctioning limit of various officers in general education dept - revised - order Dt. 04/07/2017
Staff Fixation - Deployment of Protected Teachers - Lr. Dt. 03/07/2017
1)Deployment of Protected Teachers - Lr. Dt. 01/07/2017
Maintaining separate seniority list for LPSA and UPSA - Retrenchment of junior - Circular Cir.No.443034/J1/2013/G.Edn Dt. 03/06/2017
Permission for appointment of Teachers on daily wages - Order G.O.(Rt)No.2079/2017/Gedn Dt. 28/06/2017
Pension book - details of pensioner in Malayalam and English - Instructions Cir. Dt. 23/06/2017
General Education Department- appointment up to 29-01-2016-salary arrears-reg G.O.(Rt)No.2012-2017-G.Edn Dt. 23/06/2017
Marriage advance - Maximum Loan amount admissible and interest rate revised G.O.(P)No.83/2017/Fin Dt. 22/06/2017
Collecting E waste from schools - Order - G.O.(Rt)No.1963/2017/G.Edn Dt. 20/06/2017
Staff Fixation 2017 -18 - instructions - Cir.No.H(2)/34017/2017/DPI Dt. 20/06/2017
GPF interest rate revised from 1/4/2017 onwards - order G.O.(P)No.78/2017/Fin Dt. 19/06/2017
Introduction of web portal of Accountant General Office for uploading pay slip of Gazetted Officers,GPF Annual Statements/authorisation of all employees etc..... Dt. 16/06/2017
QIP Activity Calendar 2017 -18 Dt. 15/06/2017
Application for financial assistance from National Foundation of Teachers Welfare Dt. 15/06/2017
Aided - Deployment of protected teachers in parent school Dt. 14/06/2017
K-TET Exam - Minimum mark concession for SC/ST/OBC/PH category of candidates w.e.f. 15/10/2014 G.O.(P)No.48/2017/Gedn Dt. 13/06/2017
Mid Day Meal - Ten Instructions -Dt. 12/06/2017
Education Calendar 2017-18
Google Mapping - Graphical Help Dt. 08/06/2017
Observation of Days ( Dinacharanangal ) Dt. 07/06/2017
B.Ed Training Course 2017-2019 -Selection of candidates under Department Quota - Application called for - Dt. 06/06/2017
Temporary appointment of teachers on daily wage basis 2017-18 - Permitted - orders issued G.O.(Rt)No.1698/2017/G.Edn Dt. 02/06/2017
Stamp sales in schools - Clarification Dt. 31/05/2017
Pay Revision 2014 - Special Allowance to Differently Abled Employees - Enhanced G.O.(MS)No.282/2017/(60)/Fin Dt. 30/05/2017
HBA - Income Tax deduction - permission to use PAN allotted to finance department - Cir. Dt. 30/05/2017
Noon Meal Scheme - 2017-18 - General Instructions - Cir. Dt. 30/05/2017
Special allowance for cash handling discontinued w.e.f 01/04/2017 - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.243/2017/Fin Dt. 29/05/2017
Promotion of HM/AEO Dt. 29/05/2017
Relinquishment Form
MLA Fund to aided schools - Clarification - G.O.(P)No.75/2017/Fin Dt. 28/05/2017
Students insurance scheme - Instructions - Cir.No.M/18133/2017/DPI Dt. 27/05/2017
Modifications to the monetary limits specified under Rules 90 A, 93, 103 and Appendix VII of Part I of the G.O.(P)No.73/2017/Fin Dt. 25/05/2017
Promotion of Clerks as Senior clerks -orders issued Dt. 22/05/2017
Promotion of Clerks as Senior Clerks - Notional Promotion Dt. 22/05/2017
Promotion of clerks as Sr. Clerk - revised order Dt. 22/05/2017
SPARK - entering designation of employees after the name - instructions Cir.Dt. 19/05/2017
Disbursement of salary and other entitlements of State Government employees- Inclusion of private sector banks Dt. 17/05/2017
Pay Revision 2014 - Rectification of Junior-Senior anomaly - Instructions Cir.Dt. 17/05/2017
Asset Development Fund - Permission to construct toilet and kitchen in aided schools G.O.(P)No.63/2017/Fin Dt. 12/05/2017
Diploma in Education (DEd) Course 2017 -2019 -Self Finance - Application invited - Notification Dt. 06/05/2016
Diploma in Education (DEd) Course 2017 -2019 -Govt/Aided - Notification Dt. 04/05/2017
Approval for students to study in recognised school from STD 2 to 10 Dt. 03/05/2017
GPF withdrawal - Upper monetary limit for various category of officers - revised - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.58/2017/Fin Dt. 03/05/2017
Appointment approval - K-TET exemption - DPI Endorsement Dt. 03/05/2017
Promotion as HM/AEO - irregularity in continuation as DIET lecturers - Proceedings of DPI Dt. 02/05/2017
Computerisation of KSID - updating SLI/GIS premium deductions in passbook- Instruction Cir. Dt. 29/04/2017
HBA to state Govt.Employees and teachers - Online registration of applications 2017-18 - Instructions Cir. Dt. 29/04/2017
House Building Advance (HBA) Application form I & II
House Building Advance (HBA) check list
Classes during summer vacation time - strictly prohibited - Circular Cir.No. Dt. 28/04/2017
Daily wage employees - wages revised - orders issued -G.O.(P)No.56/2017/Fin Dt. 28/04/2017
Malayalam as Official language - strict adherence from 1/5/2017 onwards Lr. Dt. 27/04/2017
Dearness Allowance/Relief revised with effect from 01/01/2017 -G.O.(P)No.55/2017/Fin Dt. 26/04/2017
House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees Additional instructions issued Cir.Dt. 25/04/2017
Introducing Health Insurance Scheme to Kerala Government Employees and Service Pensioners G.O.(P)No.54/2017/Fin Dt. 24/04/2017
Pay Revision 2014- Payment of first instalment of arrears in cash to certain group of employees G.O.(P)No.50/2017/Fin Dt. 22/04/2017
Selected books for School Library 2017 -18 -PDF - Cir.No.T2/76016/2016/DPI Dt. 18/04/2017
Pay Revision 2014- Payment of First installment of arrears - Revised G.O.(P)No.45/2017/Fin Dt. 09/04/2017
Exemption from KTET -orders issued - G.O.(P)No.07/2017/Gedn Dt. 07/04/2017
Appointment approval - audit objection not in tune with the govt direction - disciplinary action -proceedings of DPI Dt. 07/04/2017
By Transfer promotion of non teaching staff - Exemption from KTET - orders issued G.O.(P)No.07/2017/Gedn Dt. 07/04/2017
NPS - Employee contribution from Pay revision arrears- Instructions G.O.(P)No.43/2017/Fin Dt. 03/04/2017
Redesignation as Drawing and Disbursing officers in RMSA Assisted Schools G.O.(MS)No.875/2017/Gedn Dt. 29/03/2017
Utilisation of accumulated balance of Special Fee in the PD accounts in Schools-Sanction accorded G.O.(Rt)No.884/2017/Gedn Dt. 29/03/2017
Ban on unauthorised sales on the premises of Schools and Offices under General Education Department Dt. 23/03/2017
Final seniority list of Headmasters for the period from 13.01.2011 to 03.12.2012 published -orders issued Dt. 23/03/2017
Payment of Pay Revision arrears to employees of LSGIs- Guidelines Cir.No.16/2017/Fin Dt. 22/03/2017
Pay Revision 2014 - Interest rate on pay revision arrears slashed from 8.7% to 8% G.O.(P)No.40/2017/Fin Dt. 22/03/2017
K-TET minimum marks relaxation for SC/ST/OBC/PH category of candidates- Clarification - Order G.O.(MS)No.18/2017/G.Edn Dt. 15/03/2017
By transfer from HSA/UPSA/LPSA Application of HSST - Clarification Cir. Dt. 15/03/2017
Minority Pre matric scholarship -Refund of undistributed grant Cir. Dt. 09/03/2017
Writing/marking SC/ST Students' name in attendance register in red ink - instructions Cir. Dt. 09/03/2017
HSST appointment - By transfer application invited from HSA/UPSA/LPSA - Circular Cir. Dt. 04/03/2017
SPARK - Pay Revision Arrear 2014- Arrear bill generation - Instructions Dt. 11/03/2017
General Transfer - Revised norms - Order G.O.(P)No.3/2017/P&ARD Dt. 25/02/2017
Dearness Allowance Arrears - TIME LIMIT extended G.O.(P)No.26/2017/Fin Dt. 22/02/2017
K-TET Exemption 2016-17 - Order - G.O.(P)No.3/2017/G.Edn Dt. 21/02/2017
Language Teachers Deployment - Clarification Lr. Dt. 16/02/2017
Pay Revision 2014 - De-merger of Selection Grade Typist and Senior Grade Typist-Fixation of Pay G.O.(MS)No.81/2017(43)/Fin Dt. 15/02/2017
District wise protected teachers list - Dt. 13/02/2017
General Transfer 2017-18 - Teachers - Cir. Dt. 13/02/2017
Provisional seniority list of HMs/AEOs for the period from 01.01.2016 to 31.12.2016 Dt. 13/02/2017
Kerala Service Rules- Pay Revision 2014 - Re-option for fixation under Rule 28A Part I Kerala Service Rules on promotion from lower scale of pay to higher scale of pay - G.O.(P)No.19/2017/Fin Dt. 09/02/2017
Noon Meal Programme - Forms to be kept at schools - Revised - Models Cir. Dt. 02/02/2017
Final Seniority list of SS for the period of 01/01/2015 to 30/09/2016 Dt. 03/02/2017
IFMS-Integration of SPARK with GPF Advance/NRA/Closure authorisation System of AG Office -Approved G.O.(P)No.13/2017/Fin Dt. 31/01/2017
High Tech School Project -pilot in 4 selected constituencies - purchase of ICT equipments from M/s KELTRON -Purchase Sanction accorded- G.O.(Rt)No. Dt. 25/01/2017
Enhancement of Dearness Allowance /Relief by 3% to State Government Employees and Pensioners G.O.(P)No. 6/2017/Fin Dt. 19/01/2017
Loans and advances - Marriage advance Scheme for the marriage of the daughters of Class IV employees - Inclusion of Part Time Contingent Employees - G.O.(P)No.5/2017/Fin Dt. 18/01/2017
High-Tech School Project- Participation of Individual investments for making Smart Classrooms in Govt/aided Schools through PTA/SDC - G.O.(Rt)No.69/2017/G.Edn Dt. 13/01/2017
Reappointment of Protected teachers to parent school Cir. Dt. 12/01/2017
Deduction of Tax at Source - Income Tax Deduction from Salaries during the Financial year 2016-17 - Cir.No.1/2017/Fin Dt. 07/01/2017
LSS/USS Exams 2016-17 - Notification Dt. 06/01/2017
December 2016
STD X -Model IT Examination -Guidelines - Cir. Dt. 28/12/2016
Redeployment of Language Teachers G.O.(MS)No.209/2016/G.Edn Dt. 26/12/2016
Motor Vehicle Dept - Green Tax - Circular and G Form Cir.No.31/2016 Dt. 23/12/2016
Kerala Service Rules - 10" Pay Revision - Genl Education - Jr.Supdt (HG) to Sr.Supdt promotion - Fixation of pay G.O.(P)No.182/2016/Fin Dt. 16/12/2016
Increasing salary of Daily wages/Contract staff - Including new Posts- VHSE G.O.(P)No.181/2016/Fin Dt. 15/12/2016
K-TET qualification for Govt school teachers - Exemption for M.Ed Holders - Modified order - G.O.(P)No.206/2016/G.Edn Dt. 08/12/2016
Art,Health Education and Work Experience exam - Guidelines Dt. 17/12/2016
Pension Revision 2014 - Short Notes - KPPHA Nov 2016 Dt. 07/12/2016
Appointment of Aided school teachers from Teachers Bank - KER Amendment - Order G.O.(P)No.199/2016/G.Edn Dt. 03/12/2016
SPARK Manual preparation of bills - Instructions Lr. Dt. 03/12/2016
Provisional Seniority List of JD,DDE and DEO Dt. 23/11/2016
Deployment of protected teachers - Instructions Cir. Dt. 18/11/2016
General Education Department- period of PTA president-limited upto 3 years-orders issued G.O.(MS)No.190-2016-G.Edn Dt. 16/11/2016
Provisional Seniority list of HM's for the period from 13.01.2011 to 03.12.2012 -Published -orders issued Dt. 10/11/2016
Appointment of Aided School Teachers -Clarification -reg - Cir.No.951951/J2/2016/Gedn Dt. 09/11/2016
General Education Department - Mission Project - Campaign G.O.(Rt)No.186/2016/Gedn Dt. 07/11/2016
Kerala Group Insurance Scheme - Settlement of Claim through Bill information and Management G.O.(P)No.169/2016/Fin Dt. 05/11/2016
Pay Revision 2014— Fixation of Pay of Employees who were on LWA as on 01.07.2014 G.O.(P)No.166/2016(29)/Fin Dt. 01/11/2016
Provisional Seniority List of Sr.Supdt from 01.01.15 to 30.09.16 Dt. 31/10/2016
Broadband internet connectivity to Primary school - Instructions Cir.Dt. 24/10/2016
Approval for the functioning of Govt./Aided TTIs - Order G.O.(MS)No.3486/2016/Gedn Dt. 21/10/2016
Special School (MR) -State Grant - Amount distribution Cir. Dt. 20/10/2016
Payment of Ex-gratia Allowance - Revised guide lines Issued. G.O.(P)No.156/2016/Fin Dt. 18/10/2016
Recovery of excess drawn salary to Government from Protected teaching/non teaching staff - Order G.O.(MS)No.176/2016/Gedn Dt. 15/10/2016
Approval for creating Teaching-non teaching post for schools which are renamed as RMSA aided Govt. schools G.O.(MS)No.173/2016/G.Edn Dt. 07/10/2016
School Shastrolsavam 2016-17 - Circular - Cir.No.Y(1)/75000/16/DPI Dt. 07/10/2016
SPARK- Deputing authorized officers to SPARK PMU/Help Desk - Instructions issued Cir.No. Dt. 06/10/2016
Appointment of specialist teachers according to the guidelines of Ministry of HRD G.O.(MS)No.170/2016/Gedn Dt. 05/10/2016
State Life Insurance Programme - Revision of Monthly Premium & Salary Limit - orders issued G.O.(P)No.149/2016/Fin Dt. 04/10/2016
Ratio Promotion in the cadre of Junior Superintendents - 28 A Pay fixation - Instructions Dt. 03/10/2016
Invalid Pension for Part-Time Contingent Employees - Enhanced - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.146/2016/Fin Dt. 01/10/2016
Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme - Renewal for the year 2017 - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.144/2016/Fin Dt. 30/09/2016
Recruitment of HSA (core subjects) in Tamil Kannada medium schools- Mandatory Qualification-Orders issued G.O.(P)No.166/2016/G.Edn Dt. 30/09/2016
Accident insurance scheme for school children - Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.163/2016/G.Edn Dt. 30/09/2016
Pay Revision 2014 - Reversion of Selection Grade Typist to Senior Grade Typist - Fixation of pay - Clarification Cir.No.79/2016/(24)/Fin Dt. 27/09/2016
Retaining protected teachers in parent schools during 2016-17 on UID verification - Directions Lr.No.70241/J2/15/G.Edn Dt. 27/09/2016
HSA,physical science-qualification-included BSc. industrial chemistry-orders issued G.O.(MS)No.157/2016/G.Edn Dt. 20/09/2016
Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) - Maintenance of Acquittance roll and cash book in offices - G.O.(P)No.138/2016/Fin Dt. 23/09/2016
Reservation for physically challenged candidates for vacancies in Aided School under General Education Department G.O.(P)No.155/16/Gedn Dt. 09/09/2016
Travelling allowance - Revision of TA ceiling of State Government Employees - Sanctioned -Orders issued G.O.(P)No.137/2016/Fin Dt. 09/09/2016
Engaging guest teachers in the vacancy of Master Trainers of IT@ School - Instructions Cir.Dt. 08/09/2016
Prematric Scholarship 2016-17
1. Guidelines Cir. Dt. 08/09/2016
2.Application Form
3. Districtwse Bank details
4. Balance amount - refund
E monitoring for Text book supply-Cir.Dt. 08/09/2016
Deployment of protected teachers, drawal of Onam Advance etc- Instructions Lr.Dt. 08/09/2016
Appointment of BRC Trainers in SSA in various districts on deputation basis G.O.(Rt)No.2947/2016/Gedn Dt. 07/09/2016
Mid Day Meal scheme - Contingent charges - revised - Order - G.O.(Rt)No.2911/2016/G.Edn Dt. 05/09/2016
Junior Supdt - Provisional seniority list for the period from 1/6/2015 to 31/12/2015 Dt. 03/09/2016
Pre Matric Scholarship for handicapped children - 2016 - 17 Cir. Dt. 01/09/2016
Onam Advance for the year 2016 sanctioned to State Government Employees, Part-Time Contingent Employees, and others including N.M.R/C.L.R Employees - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.129/2016/Fin Dt. 01/09/2016
Unauthorised computer teachers in Schools - action taken report called for - reg Lr. Dt. 01/09/2016
Bonus/Special Festival Allowance for the year 2015-16 to State Government Employees and Pensioners - G.O.(P)No.130/2016/Fin Dt. 01/09/2016
Protected teachers' salary drawal - Instructions - Order G.O.(P)No.148/2016/G.Edn Dt. 31/08/2016
K-TET made mandatory for teaching posts in Govt schools - Order G.O.(P)No.145/2016/G.Edn Dt. 30/08/2016
General Education Department - Constitution of Technical Committee under the supervision of IT @School G.O.(Rt)No.2777/2016/Gedn Dt. 26/08/2016
National Pension System - Redemption of contributions uploaded to NSDL CRA recovered from Non NPS subscribers - Detailed procedures - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.120/2016/Fin Dt. 23/08/2016
K-TET Examination November 2016 - Notification Dt. 23/08/2016
SPARK - Processing Claims of Temporary Employees - Help Dt. 23/08/2016
Sanction for getting admission for STD 9 & 10 in recognised school for children who have studied STD 8 & 9 in unrecognised schools - G.O.(Rt)No.2729/2016/Ged Dt. 20/08/2016
Deployment of protected Teachers -Guidelines - Lr. Dt. 19/08/2016
Provisional Seniority list of HMs/TTI/AEOs and equated categories Cir.No.D4/57597/2016/DPI Dt. 18/08/2016
Unaided schools list Dt. 16/08/2016
Verification of Service Book of Senior Clerks - Circular Cir.No. Dt. 12/08/2016
Service Card
Cancellation of B.Ed equivalent course - LTTC/DLEd G.O.(MS)No.130/2016/G.Edn Dt. 01/08/2016
Staff Fixation 2015 -16 - Deployment of excess teachers - Instructions Lr.No.H2/35985/2016/DPI Dt. 08/08/2016
Safety Measures of Schools Buses - Instructions - Cir.No.H/976/2016/DPI Dt. 06/08/2016
Staff Fixation 2016-17 and deployment of protected teachers - Instructions - G.O.(P)No.134/2016/G.Edn Dt. 05/08/2016
Maternity leave during vacation - Clarification Lr.No.H(2)/19423/2016/DPI Dt. 05/08/2016
Pension - Prior service in Aided school/College of the Aided School/ College Staffs - Declared non qualifying G.O.(P)No.113/2016/Fin Dt. 05/08/2016
Temporary appointment of Teachers on Daily wages 2016 -17 - Part Time teachers' Daily wage rate - Order G.O.(MS)No.2539/2016/Ged Dt. 04/08/2016
GIS - Classification and Rate of Subscription - Revised G.O.(P)No.112/2016/Fin Dt. 01/08/2016
Regularisation of appointments in uneconomic schools - DEO/DDE entrusted - Instructions Cir.No.631703/J2/16/G.Edn Dt. 01/08/2016
Reservation for blind candidates in aided schools - Judgment in R2 W.P.(c)No.20070/2016 - Dt. 01/08/2016
Distribution of pension arrears of deceased Pensioners/Family Pensioners -Instructions issued Cir.No.64/2016/Fin Dt. 30/07/2016
Pay Revision 2014-Child Care Allowance to the Government employees having mentally/physically challenged G.O.(P)No.110-2016/(15)/Fin Dt. 30/07/2016
Disbursement of salary and allowances of employees on contract/daily wages, etc. through SPARK -Procedure streamlined - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.109/2016/Fin Dt. 29/07/2016
Appointments in Uneconomic Schools - Regularisation - Instructions Lr. Dt. 29/07/2016
Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) - Introduction of Centralised Bill Preparation System for the disbursement of SLI, GIS and other Insurance Claims such as Fire Insurance, MACT claims, Marine Insurance, etc under KSID - Guidelines Issued - G.O.(Rt)No.6346/2016/Fin Dt. 27/07/2016
Mid Day Meal Data Entry from Schools - Instructions Dt. 26/07/2016
Scholarship to teachers' children undergoing professional courses - Application invited Cir.No.NFTW/318/2016/DPI Dt. 25/07/2016
Mid Day Meal School Login Web Site
Implementation of Audit Online /Ready Auditor, an enterprise online IT solution for managing the audit process in all Departments - Cir. Dt. 23/07/2016
Pay Revision 2014 - Payment of arrears to provisional employees appointed through Employment Exchange -Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.291/2016/Fin Dt. 22/07/2016
Pre - Matric Scholarship 2016-17 - Applications invited - Circular Dt. 21/07/2016
One Office One DDO System - Claiming of bills without pre-check - Clarification issued Cir.No.61/2016/Fin Dt. 21/07/2016
Atal Innovation Mission - Online application invited from schools - Lr.No.QIP(1)/48784/16/DPI Dt. 18/07/2016
Deduction of LIC premia of employees of Aided Institutions through SPARK - Approved - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.94/2016/Fin Dt. 14/07/2016
Incentive to Girls scholarship 2016-17 - Application called for Cir.Dt. 11/07/2016
Proposals for sanctioning Time Bound Higher Grade-Incorporation of Check list-Instructions Cir.No.59/2016/Fin Dt. 08/07/2016
P & ARD - Work Study Report on General Education Department 2015-16 Dt. 05/07/2016
Pay Revision 2014 - General Education Department - Scale of Pay of Personal Assistant to DEO - Modified- G.O.(MS)No.261/2016/(12)/Fin Dt. 04/07/2016
Pay Revision 2014 - Footwear Allowance to Part Time Contingent Employees - Sanctioned - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.90/2016/(11)/Fin Dt. 02/07/2016
One Office one DDO-Drawal of last pay of gazetted officers and claiming arrears of retired gazetted officers G.O.(P)No.89/2016/Fin Dt. 02/07/2016
GAIN PF - Retired employees claims - relaxation in online submission - reg Lr. Dt. 01/07/2016
Grant -in- aid online submission - relaxation - reg Lr. Dt. 01/07/2016
Final seniority list of clerks for the period from 01/01/2010 to 31/12/2012 SY(3) 62278/2013/DPI Dt. 30/06/2016
Social offense against Children - Corporal punishment prohibited in schools - Instructions Cir. Dt. 29/06/2016
Internal Audit Section - Guidelines - Cir.No.AW(A1)/11444/2016/DPI Dt. 29/06/2016
Pay revision 2014 - Crediting of salary arrears to Government Account - New head of account opened -Instructions Issued - Cir.No.58/2016/Fin Dt. 27/06/2016
SC/ ST/ OEC Students Lumsum Grant- revised rates G.O.(MS)No.43/2016/SCSTD Dt. 25/06/2016
IEDC Medical camp 2016-17 - Instructions Cir. Dt. 24/06/2016
Noon Meal 2016-17 - Contingent Charges - Instructions Lr. Dt. 24/06/2016
IDMI Grant 2016 -17 -Notification Dt. 22/06/2016
Enhancement of Honorarium to pre primary teachers and ayahs of pre primary classes conducted by PTA of Govt Schools - Sanctioned - Orders issued -G.O.(MS)No.104/2016/G.Edn Dt. 18/06/2016
Sanskrit Education 2016-17 - Circular Cir. Dt. 16/06/2016
Application form
OEC Scholarship 2016-17 - Notification Dt. 15/06/2015
B.Ed Training Course 2016 -2018 - Selection of candidates under Departmental Quota -Application called for - Cir.Dt. 15/06/2016
K-TET exemption extended to 2015-16 appointees also - Order G.O.(P)No.99/2016/G.Edn Dt. 15/06/2016
Kerala Service Rules - 10th Pay Revision - Promotion from the post of Junior Superintendent (HG)/equated G.O.(MS)No.229/2016/Fin Dt. 15/06/2016
Best PTA Award 2015-16 - Guidelines Cir.No. Dt. 10/06/2016
Teachers award 2016-17 - Instructions Lr. Dt. 10/06/2016
Sixth Working Day 2016-17 - Muslim school - Clarification Cir. Dt. 06/06/2016
Educational Calendar 2016-17 Dt. 05/06/2016
Scheme of work Standard IX Dt. 05/06/2016
Scheme of work Standard X Dt. 05/06/2016
Unauthorised collection of money from Std IX and X students - Instructions Cir.No.NEP3/63355/15/DPI Dt. 04/06/2016
Staff Fixation 2016-17 - Instructions - Cir. Dt. 04/06/2016
Sixth working day 2016-17 - Instructions - Cir. Dt. 04/06/2016
GAINPF - Bill processing - Documents required for treasury submission Cir. Dt. 04/06/2016
Text Book indent - Second Volume - Editing of requirement - Instructions Cir. Dt. 02/06/2016
Admission of Students without Insisting TC - Cir.No.H1/10381/2016/DPI Dt. 02/06/2016
NuMats 2016-17 - Circular Dt. 01/06/2016
School Noon Meal Scheme Project 2016 -17 Cir.No. Dt. 27/05/2016
Pay Revision 2014 - Rules for fixation of pay on promotion - Modified orders issued G.O.(P)No.74/2016/(6)/Fin Dt. 23/05/2016
Promotion of clerks as senior clerks - Order C5/5/2016/DPI Dt. 23/05/2016
House Building Advance to State Government Employees and Teachers - Online registration of applications by Heads of Departments and sanctioning Authorities 2016-17 - Instructions issued Cir.No.45/2016/Fin Dt. 19/05/2016
Pay Revision 2014 - Payment of arrears-Detailed instructions/guidelines issued Cir.No.46/2016/Fin Dt. 19/05/2016
SPARK - Online system for Co-operative recovery from the salaries of employees - Guidelines issued Cir.No.44/2016/Fin Dt. 18/05/2016
Clerical Post Assessment - Order Issued C5/100031/2015/DPI Dt. 18/05/2016
H.S.A. Final Seniority List - Order Dt. 17/05/2016
Final Seniority List
School Health Programme - Instructions - Cir. Dt. 09/05/2016
Prior Service in Aided school/college of the Aided School/College Staffs declared as non qualifying service for pension - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.66/2016/Fin Dt. 09/05/2016
Kitchen Garden in schools - Instructions - Lr. Dt. 07/05/2016
GAIN PF - USER Guide for HMs Dt. 07/05/2016
Revision of Re-employment pay - Recommendation of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission - Orders - Issued G.O.(P)No.65/2016/Fin Dt. 07/05/2016
Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees Revised - rates effective from 01/01/2016 G.O.(P)No.61/2016/Fin Dt. 05/05/2016
Dearness Allowance Arrears - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.62/2016/Fin Dt. 05/05/2016
Uneconomic Schools - Approval of appointment - Clarification Cir.No.H2/25700/2015 Dt. 03/05/2016
School Health Programme - Instructions - Cir. Dt. 09/05/2016
Kitchen Garden in schools - Instructions - Lr. Dt. 07/05/2016
GAIN PF - USER Guide for HMs Dt. 07/05/2016
Revision of Re-employment pay - Recommendation of the Tenth Pay Revision Commission - Orders - Issued G.O.(P)No.65/2016/Fin Dt. 07/05/2016
Dearness Allowance to State Government Employees Revised - rates effective from 01/01/2016 G.O.(P)No.61/2016/Fin Dt. 05/05/2016
Dearness Allowance Arrears - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time Limit Extended - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.62/2016/Fin Dt. 05/05/2016
Uneconomic Schools - Approval of appointment - Clarification Cir.No.H2/25700/2015 Dt. 03/05/2016
GAINPF - Implementation Instructions - Cir. Dt. 27/04/2016
Inter district Transfer application - Instructions Cir. Dt. 25/04/2016
Staff Fixation - Direction on teacher student ratio Cir.No.H2/25700/15/DPI Dt. 25/04/2016
Submission of application for HBA- Including Statement regarding Employment/Loan details of spouse of the Dt. 18/04/2016
KPPHA Questionnaire April 2016 - On Service wieghtage , Language teachers' full time benefit etc Dt. 18/04/2016
QIP - Directions to HMs -Cir. Dt. 16/04/2016
Approving appointments without appellate orders - Clarification Lr.No.H2/25700/2016/DPI Dt. 13/04/2016
Termination of Probation - Clerks - Probation not completed successfully Lr. Dt. 12/04/2016
Loans and Advances Sanctioned to State Government Employees - Recovery during April 2016 - Postponed - Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.149/2016/Fin Dt. 02/04/2016
Teachers Package - Staff fixation based on G.O (P) No.29/16/G.Edn - Instructions Lr.No.No.497933/J2/16/G.Edn Dt. 30/03/2016
GAINPF - Sanctioning loans - Instructions to DDEs and Educational Officers Cir. Dt. 29/03/2016
Extending House Building Advance by HUDCO to State Government Employees - Sanctioned - Modified Orders issued G.O.(P)No.44/2016/Fin Dt. 28/03/2016
Retirement - Disbursing pensionary benefits - Guidelines Cir.No.P5/60600/14 Dt. 28/03/2016
Application called for - Diploma in Language Education (Hindi) Course 2016-17 Dt. 26/03/2015
Application called for - Diploma in Language Education Course 2016-17 Arabic, Urdu Dt. 26/03/2015
DEd Course 2016-2018 - Selection of Teachers & Non Teaching staff Dt. 26/03/2016
Counting Pre-resigned service for Pay Revision- DDE's objection - KPPHA Questionnaire - March 2016 Dt. 24/03/2016
House Building Advance - Interest on House Building Advance for Income Tax exemption - Instructions issued Cir.No.27/2016/Fin Dt. 23/03/2016
House Building Advance - Surrender of House Building Advance - Restriction on further application - Instructions issued - Cir.Dt. 21/03/2016
SPARK - Online submission of non salary claims - Approved - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.40/2015/Fin Dt. 18/03/2016
Implementation of Government Aided Institutions' Provident Fund (GAINPF) - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.39/2016/Fin Dt. 16/03/2016
Broadband(VPN) connectivity to Govt,Aided High Schools - Guidelines Cir. Dt. 16/03/2016
Senior Clerks - Promotion Clarification Lr.Dt. 12/03/2016
School Mapping - Instructions to AEOs Cir.Dt. 12/03/2016
School Mapping - Educational Need Certificate format
Pay Revision 2014 - Anomaly Rectification proposal submitting - Instructions Cir.No.20/2016/Fin Dt. 11/03/2016
Avoiding Compulsory collection of money from students Cir. Dt. 08/03/2016
Deployment of part time specialist teachers in SSA - Data Collection reg Cir. Dt. 04/03/2016
Noon Meal contingent charges enhanced from Rs.5/- to Rs.8/- - Orders issued G.O.(Rt)No.948/2016/G.End Dt. 03/03/2016
Benefit of Time Bound Higher Grade -Reckoning War/Military service as Qualifying Service-Further Clarification issued G.O.(P)No.33/2016/(3)/Fin Dt. 03/03/2016
Duty Leave for Teachers and Non Teaching Staff - G.O.(MS)No.55/2016/Gedn Dt. 02/03/2016
Pay fixation 2014 - Pay fixation Instructions - Accountat General Cir. Dt. 26/02/2016
Enhancement of remuneration to daily /contract appointment - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.28/2016/Fin Dt. 26/02/2016
51 A Claim - Minimum service qualification - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.774/2016/G.Edn Dt. 25/02/2016
STD VIII,IX annual IT Examination - 2015 -16 - Conducting Guidelines Cir.No.NEP(3)/81778/15/DPI Dt. 25/02/2016
Final Seniority list of officers in the cadre of Joint Director,Deputy Director of Education and District Educational Office in General Education Department - Dt. 22/02/2016
Declaring the Headmasters of newly upgraded RMSA schools as the Drawing and Disbursing Officer of the head of account "2202-02-109-99 (NP)" - Sanctioned - Orders issued G.O.(Rt)No.1685/2016/Fin Dt. 20/02/2016
Opening of Non-interest bearing Special Treasury Savings Bank Account in the designation of all Drawing and Disbursing Officers with respective treasuries - Sanctioned - Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.91/2016/Fin Dt. 19/02/2016
Unqualified HM/AEO details - Judgment in OA No.419/2014 filed by Ravindran and others Lr. Dt. 18/02/2016
Pay Revision 2014 - Modification / Erratum - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.24/2016/(1)/Fin Dt. 17/02/2016
SPARK - Direction to use Spark application for the pay fixation of Non - Gazetted Officers Cir.No.13/2016/Fin Dt. 15/02/2016
Pay Revision 2016 - Pay Updation on SPARK - Tutorial
Ratio Promotion of Junior Superintendents - Draft List - Lr.Dt. 12/02/2016
Ratio Promotion of Junior Superintendents - List of Superintendents from 01/02/2011 onwards Dt. 12/02/2016
SSLC Exam 2016 March - Awarding grace marks reg - Cir.Dt. 11/02/2016
Drop box for School students - Guidelines - G.O.(P)No.39/2016/G.Edn Dt. 11/02/2016
Aided School Status for Special Schools having more than 100 students G.O.(MS)No.38/2016/Gedn Dt. 09/02/2016
Kerala Service Rules - Enhancement of Special Casual Leave for Organ Transplantation - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.21/2016/Fin Dt. 07/02/2016
General Education Department-Higher Secondary edn - estta- higher secondary school teachers(daily wages)- wages enhanced - orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.37/2016/G.Edn Dt. 05/02/2016
Stamp sales in schools - Revised direction - Cir. Dt. 05/02/2016
Tax Deduction at Source - Submitting Self-Declaration and Documents of Eligible Deduction to DDO - Instructions issued - Cir.No.7/2016/Fin Dt. 04/02/2016
General Transfer - Tribal/Remote/Difficult area - Norms - Order and list of schools G.O.(MS)No.36/2016/G.Edn Dt. 04/02/2016
Noon Meal - National Food Security Act 2013 - Instructions - Cir.No.40149/2015/DPI Dt. 03/02/2016
Online General Transfer of Teachers 2016 -17 - Circular No II Dt. 03/02/2016
Festival allowance to Noon Meal Cooks - 2015-16 - Lr.No.NM(3)/63628/2015/DPI Dt.30/01/2016
Implementation of Teacher's Package - Revised Order G.O.(P)No.29/2016/G.Edn Dt. 29/01/2016
Kerala Service Rules - Maternity Leave to female officers who join a new station on transfer before expiry of the sanctioned leave - Eligibility - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.13/2016/Fin Dt. 27/01/2016
National Savings Scheme - Financial Assistance to National Savings Scheme Agents for Medical Treatment- Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.14/2016/Fin Dt. 27/01/2016
Kerala Service Rules - Maternity Leave to female officers who join a new station on transfer before expiry of the G.O.(P)No.14/2016/Fin Dt. 27/01/2016
Higher secondary edn- academic -students of model residential school & pre-metric hostels -'Sargotlsavam' program - grace mark-sanctioned-orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.23/2016/G.Edn Dt. 25/01/2016
IFMS- One office one DDO System - Including the DDO designation and full official address in the application for GPF Closure/NRA. etc - Instructions issued - Cir.No.5/2016/Fin Dt. 25/01/2016
Income Tax Circular 2015-16 - Abstract - KPPHA Magazine Jan 2016 Dt. 23/01/2016
Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme-Extension of time limit for deduction and remittance of premium for the year 2016 - Sanctioned - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.12/2016/Fin Dt. 22/01/2016
Festival allowance to Noon Meal Cooks - 2015-16 - Lr.No.46298/D1/2015/G.Edn Dt. 20/01/2016
Pay Revision 2016 - Orders Issued G.O.(P)No.07/2016/Fin Dt. 20/01/2016
Pay Revision 2016 - Main Features Pay Scales
Fixation Statement
Fixation Rules
Amendment in Rule 28 A and 37 (a) Fixation
Grade Scheme
Revision of Pension and related Benefits - Orders Issued G.O.(P)No.09/2016/Fin Dt. 20/01/2016
LSS Exam 2015-16 - Conducting instructions Cir. Dt. 19/01/2016
Alternative school- MGLC - educational volunteers daily wages - enhanced - orders issued G.O.(Rt)No.214/2016/G.Edn Dt. 19/01/2016
General Transfer 2016-17 - Jr.Supdt/Noon Meal officer - Application invited Cir.Dt. 18/01/2016
Manual of Office Procedure - File handling - Guidelines Cir.No.LC1/91053/15 Dt. 16/01/2016
LSS USS Exams 2015-16 - Instructions on invigilation,valuation,appointment of scribes etc Cir.Dt. 16/01/2016
LSS USS Exams 2015-16 - Instructions on conducting exams Cir.Dt. 16/01/2016
LSS USS Exams 2015-16 - OMR sheet models Dt. 16/01/2016
USS Exam 2016 - Proformas I - VI Dt. 16/01/2016
School Kalolsavam 2015-16 - Identity Card
School Kalolsavan 2015-16 - Appeal Entry Form Dt.13/01/2016
Leave salary claims of Gazetted Officers before authorisation from Accountant General - Authorising Drawing and Disbursing officers - Approved - orders issued G.O.(P)No.03/2016/Fin Dt. 13/01/2016
Final Seniority list of officers in the cadre of Senior Administrative Assistant Dt. 12/01/2016
NTS Exam 2015-16 Results Dt. 12/01/2016
Higher secondary edn- Barath scouts and guides -grace marks -sanctioned-orders issued G.O.(MS)No.11/2016/G.Edn Dt. 11/01/2016
Inter District Transfer - Compassionate Ground - Rank list Order No.A1/25000/2015/DPI Dt. 11/01/2016
Kerala Service Rules-Special Casual Leave to disabled and Physically challenged employees - Modified Cir.No.1/2016/Fin Dt. 08/01/2016
Pay revision re-option in the case of retrospective change in scale of pay - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.94/2016/G.Edn Dt. 08/01/2016
Special Summary Revision of Electoral Rolls, 2016- Field Visit by the Officials appointed as Booth Level Officers (BLOs)- Treating the day as duty- Instructions Issued- Regarding. Cir.No.803/Cdn.4/2016/GAD Dt. 07/01/2016
Threatened Strike by a section of Government Employees & Teachers on 12th January 2016- Measures for dealing with- Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.5/2016/GAD Dt. 06/01/2016
Provisional Seniority list of Heads of Departmental HS/TTI/AEO and equated categories Dt. 05/01/2016
Departmental Promotion Committee Lower,Higher 2016- CR called from Teachers and Ministerial officers - Circular and proforma - Cir. Dt. 05/01/2016
Census/NPR duty during December 2015 - Compensatory leave - Clarification Cir.No.H2/51728/2010/DPI Dt. 04/01/2016
Noon Meal Cooking - Revised Charges - Clarification Cir.No.NM(3)/37807/2015/DPI Dt. 04/01/2016
LSS USS Exams 2015-16 - Online Management System - User Guide Dt. 04/01/2016
Constructions in Govt Schools - Instructions Cir.No.W1/46006/15/DPI Dt. 01/01/2016
General Education Department- Higher Secondary edn- disabled students-assistance sanctioned-orders issued G.O.(MS)No.03/2016/G.Edn Dt. 01/01/2016
Aided HM promotion - 28 A option in the case of HMs who have less than 15 years' service - Order G.O.(P)No.1/2016/G.Edn Dt. 01/01/2016
Text Book Indent 2016-17 - Instructions Cir. Dt. 01/01/2016
Establishing of an education networking website for student - teacher community in all schools in Kerala (State G.O.(MS)No.319/2015/G.Edn Dt. 31/12/2015
Pay Revision Commission report - Second Part Dt. 30/12/2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - joining report to PSC - Instructions to appointment authorities- Cir.No.20364/Ad.C3/15/P&ARD Dt. 23/12/2015
State govt/aided/special school - boarding grant,uniform allowance,request allowance - enhanced - orders issued G.O.(MS)No.313/2015/G.Edn Dt. 22/12/2015
Inter District Transfer of Teachers 2015-16 - Online application Guidelines and time schedule Cir.No.A1/79000/2015/DPI Dt. 22/12/2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- appointment in govt service through compassionate employment scheme- joining period extension reg. Cir.No.600/Ad.C2/2014/P&ARD Dt. 21/12/2015
Specialist teachers' appointment approval - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.5903/2015/G.Edn Dt. 17/12/2015
Judgment in W.P.(c) 19008/2013 A and other cases - Teachers package and related matters Dt. 17/12/2015
Noon Meal - the presence of parents at the time of serving - Instructions Cir. Dt. 17/12/2015
LSS Exam 2015-16 - Notification Dt. 14/12/2015
USS Exam 2015-16 Notification Dt. 16/11/2015
Selection of Qualified HMs/AEOs as Principals in Government Higher Secondary Schools - CR called for Cir.No.D5/59261/15/DPI Dt. 14/12/2015
Meeting/Workshop of Govt Officers - Prior permission from Directorate required Cir No.H1/88371(1)/2015/DPI Dt. 14/12/2015
HS/Primary HM meetings cannot be scheduled on days other than Saturdays - Instructions Cir.No.H1/88371(1)/2015/DPI Dt. 14/12/2015
Income Tax - TDS - Quarterly deduction date approaching reg Lr.Dt. 14/12/2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - submission of monthly work report reg. Cir.No.21635/A.R14(2)/15/P&ARD Dt. 10/12/2015
Income Tax Circular 2015-16 - Cir.No.92/2015/Fin Dt. 08/12/2015
Sanskrit Scholarship Exam 2015-16 and Scholarship amount distribution reg Cir. Dt. 04/12/2015
Vidhya Samunnadhi Scholarship 2015-16 - Online application invited Dt. 02/12/2015
Web Site -
Certificate Format
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- Reporting anticipatory vacancies through e-vacancy software reg Cir.No.14816/2015/P&RD Dt. 01/12/2015
Local Body Election court cases - Returning officer,Collector or Election Commission can not be a party to election cases - Lr.No.11496/H/2015/SEC Dt. 01/12/2015
Higher Secondary Edn- HSST Junior,By transfer post - Lab assistant/Ministerial staff post fixation-by transfer post -appointment through kerala Public service commission -sanctioned-orders issued G.O.(MS)No.296/2015/Edn Dt. 01/12/2015
P&ARD - Publication of books,program presentation in private radio/TV channels,acting cinema/serial/professional drama-formulation order - freeze - orders issued - G.O.(P)No.32/2015/P&ARD Dt. 24/11/2015 G.O.(P)No.32/2015/P&ARD Dt. 24/11/2015
Misuse of Indian Currency Notes - Instructions issued Cir. Dt. 21/11/2015
KPPHA Questionnaire - PD Tr to H.S.A to Primary HM promotion pay fixation, Earned Leave for charge category of teachers, RTE Act and HM's scale - Magazine November 2015 Dt. 20/11/2015
Finance Department - Income Tax Deduction at Source - Deduction of advance tax component from Salary - Detailed statement of anticipatory income called for - Cir.No.89/2015/Fin Dt. 20/11/2015
Dress code for teachers and students - Instructions from DPI Cir.No.H3/76615/2015/DPI Dt. 20/11/2015
State IT fest - Conducting Guidelines Cir. Dt. 20/11/2015
P&ARD - Public services- estta- driver post renamed as 'Driver cum office attendant'-orders issued. G.O.(MS)No.29/2015/P&ARD Dt. 19/11/2015
Scout and Guide one Week one Rupee programme Lr. Dt. 19/11/2015
Higher Secondary - General Transfer revised guidelines Cir. Dt. 19/11/2015
Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) - Renewal of the scheme for the year 2016 -Orders issued G.O.(P)No.526/2015/Fin Dt. 19/11/2015
Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief - Revised G.O.(P)No.525/2015/Fin Dt. 18/11/2015
KER test qualification for HM promotion - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.5404/2015/G.Edn Dt. 18/11/2015
One Office One DDO System - Clarification issued Cir.No.87/2015/Fin Dt. 17/11/2015
One office one DDO - SPARK Manual Dt. 17/11/2015
TA to State Sasthrolsavam participants - Proceedings of Kannur DDE Dt. 16/11/2015
Kerala Sasthrolsavam ID Card 2015-16 Dt. 14/11/2015
P&ARD - Govt orders, circulars,mail should be in malayalam language - direction reg. Cir.No.20540/O.L.3/15/P&ARD Dt. 13/11/2015
Kerala Sasthrolsavam Appeal Entry Form
Kerala School Kalolsavam - Manual 2009 Dt. 13/11/2015
Kerala School Kalolsavam Appeal Application
Integrated Financial Management System - Guidelines for processing salary and other entitlements of State Government employees through SPARK - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.515/2015/Fin Dt. 12/11/2015
P&ARD - Compassionate employment scheme- dependents of divorced govt employees -appointment - sanctioned-orders issued - G.O.(P)No.29/2015/P&ARD Dt. 12/11/2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department - publication of books,Private radio/program presentation in TV,acting in cinema, serial, professional drama- conditions formulated-orders issued. G.O.(P)No.28/2015/P&ARD Dt. 11/11/2015
Recognition to unaided schools following state curriculum - Order G.O.(MS)No.282/2015/G.Edn Dt. 09/11/2015
Provisional seniority list of officers in the cadre of AA/AO/APFO for the period from 8.10.2013 to 7.9.2015 - Dt. 07/11/2015
Sasthramela Manual 2009 Dt. 07/11/2015
Sasthramela ID Card Format
Retension of LPSA under 1:35 ratio - Absence of staff fixation orders since 2010-11 due to the stay of executive orders by Hon'ble High Court - Case Study - G.O.(Rt)No.5217/2015/G.Edn Dt. 06/11/2015
Coordinating IEDSS teachers salary disbursal Cir. Dt. 03/11/2015
Medical reimbursement application submitting reg Cir. Dt. 30/10/2015
Noon Meal Cooking charges arrear - Guidelines Lr. Dt. 29/10/2015
Electronic treasury - Salary through bank account of employees - Integration with e-Kuber portal of RBI - Orders G.O.(P)No. 485/2015/Fin Dt. 29/10/2015
IFMS - Centralized Salary Processing - Authorizing Chief Project Manager, SPARK to draw and disburse salary and other entitlements of any Government employee - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.482/2015/Fin Dt. 28/10/2015
Juvenile Justice Act 2000 - Instructions against imposing punishment that lead to discontinuation of studies - Cir.Dt. 27/10/2015
Local Body Election Nov 2015 - Declaration of Holiday on polling day G.O.(MS)No.271/2015/GAD Dt. 26/10/2015
Aided Status for Special Schools having more than 100 students including Buds Schools - Proposal invited Cir.No.M1/15553/2014/DPI Dt. 20/10/2015
SSLC Exam March 2016 - Notification Dt. 20/10/2015
Maintenance of separate Cash Book and Treasury Bill book for Election Department -Sanctioned - Orders issued -G.O.(P)No.472/2015/Fin Dt. 19/10/2015
Pay Revision 2014 - Ready reckoner prepared by Sri. Manjalath Prabhakaran Master( A4 Size)
A3 Size Dt. 18/10/2015
Payment of pensionary benefits etc. - Debarring eligible persons charged with offence of murder/abetment - G.O.(P)No.415/2015/Fin Dt. 18/10/2015
Eligibility of children from a void or voidable marriage (illegally wedded) for family pension - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.414/205/Fin Dt. 18/10/2015
Kerala Service Rules, Part III- Modifying the priority for nomination in Rule 71 - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.469/2015/Fin Dt. 17/10/2015
S.S.L.C. Examination March 2016 - CWSN - Examination concessions Notification - English Dt. 16/10/2015
LD Certificate
Appointment of Aided school teachers - Implementation of judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court - Sneha Cheriyan KLT 755 - Clarification - Lr.No.44977/J2/2013/G.Edn Dt. 14/10/2015
Malayalam Bhasha week celebrations - Guidelines Cir.No.Dt. 14/10/2015
Implementation of Judgment of the Hon'ble Supreme Court in State of Kerala Vs Sneha Cherian case - Clarification - Lr.No.44977/J2/2013/G.Edn Dt. 14/10/2015
Transfer of employees in General Education Dept - Time limit - Instructions Cir. Dt. 14/10/2015
Group Insurance Scheme (GIS) - Time to Enroll in the Scheme Revised - Order G.O.(Rt)No.460/2015/Fin Dt. 13/10/2015
Shasthrolsavam 2015-16 - Circular Cir. Dt. 13/10/2015
Formation of innovation clubs in schools - Cir. Dt. 12/10/2015
Promotion of Clerks as Senior Clerks Dt. 12/10/2015
Leave benefits to part time teachers having less than two years continuous service - modified orders issued G.O.(MS)No.269/2015/G.Edn Dt. 08/10/2015
Teaching post in Government and Aided Schools- Drawing teacher qualification- modified-Orders issued. G.O.(P)No.268/2015/G.Edn Dt. 06/10/2015
K-TET and TET Exams - Concession to blind students - Order G.O.(Rt)No.4725/2015/G.Edn Dt. 06/10/2015
Guidelines for conducting IT Fest for Sub District/Revenue District level Cir. Dt. 05/10/2015
OBC Prematric Scholarship 2015-16 Notification Cir. Dt. 01/10/2015
IEDSS Resource Teachers Salary - Instructions Lr. Dt. 29/09/2015
HSS - Granting of CE Marks - Instructions Cir. Dt. 26/09/2015
House Building Advance for Government Employees and Teachers - Submission of Utilization Certificate - One year period extended to two years - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.430/2015/Fin Dt. 29/09/2015
Higher Secondary - Salary to Guest teachers appointed in New schools and Additional batches - Circular Cir.No.ACDC1/55030/HSE/2014 Dt. 29/09/2015
QIP Monitoring Committee meeting conducted on 28/09/2015 - Minutes Dt. 28/09/2015
Appointment of Education Inspector - Final Rank List (Approved on 23/09/2015) Cir. Dt. 28/09/2015
HM promotion - KER Test Exemption - KPPHA view - Headmasters Aug 2015 Dt. 27/09/2015
House Building Advance Scheme to State Government Employees 2015-16 - Combined State wise Seniority List - Published - Cir.No.84/2015/Fin Dt. 23/09/2015
Regularisation of unauthorised absence - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.4324/2015/G.Edn Dt. 22/09/2015
Snehapoorvam Project - Online application reg Lr. Dt. 22/09/2015
NuMats Exam 2015-16 - Notification Cir.No.Prog V/1920/2015/SCERT Dt. 22/09/2015
Pay Revision 2009 -Higher Secondary Education Department - Incorporation of the post of Deputy Director/Regional Deputy Director - Assigning of scale of pay - Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.418/2015/(211)/Fin Dt. 19/09/2015
Appointment in resignation vacancy - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.4262/2015/G.Edn Dt. 19/09/2015
Identity card for Govt Employees - Directions Cir.No.13671/AR13(2)/2015/PA&RD Dt. 19/09/2015
UID 2015-16 - Updating database before 15/10/2015 - Instructions Cir. Dt. 16/09/2015
General Education- Children in special school - Educational grants - Parents annual income enhanced - Orders issued - G.O.(Rt)No.4079/2015/G.Edn Dt. 15/09/2015
Noon Meal Officer - Duties and responsibilities redefined - Order No.O&M(1)/61786/2015/DPI Dt. 15/09/2015
LSS USS Scholarship amount enhanced - Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.236/2015/G.Edn Dt. 14/09/2015
Uniform distribution 2015-16 - Balance amount refund Head of Account Lr. Dt. 14/09/2015
Counting of War/Military service as Qualifying Service - Judgement dated 25-03-2015 of the Hon'ble Supreme Court - complied with - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.GO(P) No 408/2015/Fin Dt. 14/09/2015
Releasing of pensionary benefits - Clarification - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.397/2015/Fin Dt. 11/09/2015
Kerala School Shastrolsavam - Exhibition Guidelines Dt. 11/09/2015
Provisional Seniority List - Last Grade Servants as on 31/08/2015 - Kannur District Dt. 07/09/2015
Pay Revision 2009 - Higher Secondary Education Department - Scale of Pay of the post of Principal - Modified - Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.390/2015/(210)/Fin Dt. 07/09/2015
Implementation of Integrated Financial Management System (IFMS) - Streamlining salary disbursement process of State Government Employees - Introducing One Office One Drawing Officer System - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.391/2015/Fin Dt. 07/09/2015
Compassionate Employment Scheme- Regularisation of persons Appointed in posts created supernumerarily -Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.26/2015/P&ARD Dt. 04/09/2015
Provisional Rank list of Inspector of Muslim Education Dt. 04/09/2015
Issuing TC to wards of parents who are formally/ non formally separated - Instructions Cir.No.37260/G1/2015/G.Edn Dt. 01/09/2015
Personnel & Administrative Reforms - Display board regarding 'No Smoking' in govt offices reg. Cir.No.15888/Ad.C2/2015/P&ARD. Dt. 26/08/2015
Threatened strike on 2nd Sept 2015 - Measures to dealing with - Order G.O.(P)No.227/2015/GAD Dt. 25/08/2015
Aided School Status to Special Schools -Revised Guidelines issued G.O.(MS)No.229/2015/G.Edn Dt. 25/08/2015
Aided Higher Secondary - Approval of appointments made in additional batches - Order G.O.(MS)No.223/2015/G.Edn Dt. 24/08/2015
I.E.D.Resources teachers,(1286nos)-retained - Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.222/2015/G.Edn Dt. 22/08/2015
Census duty - Updation of NPR - appointment of enumerators - facilities according reg G.O.(Rt)No.6361/2015/GAD Dt. 21/08/2015
Interim stay order of operation and implementation of teachers package order No.213/2015/G.Edn dtd - WP© No.25164/2015(U) Dt. 19/08/2015
Creation of clerk,menial and librarian posts in Higher Secondary Dept - Order G.O.(MS)No.220/2015/G.Edn Dt. 17/08/2015
Issuing of Staff Fixation Orders 2015-16 - Instructions Cir.No.H2/25700/2015/DPI Dt. 17/08/2015
Broken Service will count for service benefits - Clarification from DDE Kannur Lr.No.OA2/(4)/16889/2015 Dt. 13/08/2015
Festival Allowance of State Government Employees and Pensioners - Enhanced G.O.(P)No.361/2015/Fin Dt. 13/08/2015
Noon Meal Cooking Charges revised - Order - G.O.(MS)No.217/2015/G.Edn Dt. 11/08/2015
Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET) October 2015 - Notification No.CGL(2)/40901/2015/CGE Dt. 10/08/2015
Online Application
Onam Advance to Govt Employees etc - G.O.(P)No.338/2015/Fin Dt. 07/08/2015
Bonus /Special Festival Allowance to State Govt Employees and Pensioners G.O.(P)No.337/2015/Fin Dt. 07/08/2015
Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief - Revised G.O.(P)No.335/2015/Fin Dt. 07/08/2015
Final Seniority list of Senior Superintendents for the period from 01.12.2012 to 31.12.2014 Dt. 06/08/2015
Sasthrolsavam Gold Cup is named as APJ Abdul Kalam Gold Cup - Order G.O.(MS)No.212/2015/G.Edn Dt. 06/08/2015
Teachers package - Revised Guidelines - Order - G.O.(P)No.213/2015/G.Edn Dt. 06/08/2015
Noon Meal - Food Safety during rainy season - Instructions Cir. Dt. 05/08/2015
Final Seniority List Of UD Clerks for the period from 01-01-2006 to 31-12-2010 - Order Dt. 05/08/2015
E-treasury - Receipt of cash at treasury counters relating to remittances under e-treasury - Revised procedure - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.332/2015/Fin Dt. 04/08/2015
National Savings Scheme - Promotional Allowance to Schools - Order G.O.(Rt)No.7014/2015/Fin Dt. 30/07/2015
KASEPF - Withdrawals - Instructions Cir.No.PFGenl (1)/47999/2015/DPI Dt. 28/07/2015
Kerala Service Rules - Family Pension to Parents, Unmarried daughters above 25 years of age and disabled children - Time period enhanced - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.322/2015/Fin Dt. 28/07/2015
HSE - Aided- Additional batches sanctioned in the academic year 2011-2012- Anomalies in the post creation order for 2011- 2012& 2012-2013 academic years- rectified-Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.202/2015/G.Edn Dt. 28/07/2015
Irregularly upgraded schools without obtaining Govt. sanction - Cir.No.27520/J1/15/Gedn Dt. 27/07/2015
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Compassionate Employment-annual family income limit- -renewal- orders issued - G.O.(P)No.23/2015/P&ARD. Dt. 25/07/2015
HSS - Lab assistants aged upto 50 years -exempted from lab attenders test -Sanctioned-Orders issued. G.O.(MS)No.194/2015/G.Edn Dt. 20/07/2015
Admission of Part Time Teachers to GPF/KASEPF - details called for Lr.No.51490/J3/15/G.Edn Dt. 20/07/2015
Kerala State Service Rules Pa I- Leave under Appendix XII A/XII B/XII C- Eligibility for Maternity Leave- Cir.No.66/2015/Fin Dt. 16/07/2015
Leave vacancy of specialist teacher - Daily wage Appointment - Approval (Case study) G.O.(Rt)No.2848/2015/G.Edn Dt. 15/07/2015
Final Seniority list of Junior Superintendent -for the period from 01.11.2013 to 31.05.2015 Dt. 14/07/2015
Onam Special Rice Distribution - 2015-16 - Instructions Cir.No. Dt. 13/07/2015
Pension revision - Cases of Pensioners whose average emolument spread over to pre-revised and revised scale G.O.(P)No.278/2015/Fin Dt. 10/07/2015
Tenth Pay Revision Commission Report Kerala - 2014 Dt. 10/07/2015
Proposed Scales of Pay and Rules for Fixation of Pay
Admission for Higher Secondary/Vocational Higher Secondary Education-Academic year 2015-16-number of seats -marginal increase - Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.182/2015/G.Edn Dt. 09/07/2015
Clarification on Joining Time in the case of those who got appointment on or after 01/04/2013 but eligible for mobility to retain in Part III Pension scheme - Cir.No.65/2015/Fin Dt. 04/07/2015
Noon Meal cooking charges enhanced - Order G.O.(MS)No.176/2015/G.Edn Dt. 02/07/2015 (Temporarily frozen)
Details of Registers maintained in Schools with format Dt. 01/07/2015
Suspension of teachers for misconduct - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.2598/2015/G.Edn Dt. 29/06/2015
Prematric Scholarship 2015-16 - Instruction For AEO/DEO - Cir.Dt. 29/06/2015
Instruction For HM - Cir. Dt. 29/06/2015
Application Form-2015-16
Instructions For Applicants Cir. Dt. 29/06/2015
Instructions For Applicants studying in IX,X std Cir. Dt. 29/06/2015
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department- SSLC equivalent course exam conducted by Kerala State Literacy Mission - appointment through PSC,By Transfer,Promotion- equal to SSLC- approval- orders issued - G.O.(P)No.21/2015/P&ARD Dt. 29/06/2015
OEC Lumpsum Grant 2015-16 - Notification Cir.No.BCDD/A3/974/2015 Dt. 29/06/2015
OEC Lumpsum Grant 2015-16 - Online application - Instructions Lr. Dt. 29/06/2015
OEC Prematric scheme transfered to BCDD - Online Scheme introduced - Order G.O.(Rt)No.51/2015/BCDD Dt.29/06/2015
IFMS- Authorizing Akshaya centres in the State to accept money for e- treasury - Approved- Orders issued G.O.(P)No.258/2015/Fin Dt. 27/06/2015
School Youth festival 2015-16 - Fund collection reg Cir. Dt. 22/06/2015
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department-Establishment- L.D.C/L.D.Typist(By Transfer) - seniority list - ratification reg - G.O.(P)No.19/2015/P&ARD Dt. 20/06/2015
Revision of existing bill forms in tune with the requirements under IFMS - Approved - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.238/2015/Fin Dt. 19/06/2015
Commission Charges on Railway Warrants - Revision of rates - Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.234/2015/Fin Dt. 18/06/2015
Scholarship money credited in personal account of the HM - Disciplinary action (Case Study) G.O.(Rt)No.2400/2015/G.Edn Dt. 17/06/2015
Prohibition of teaching or selling of unprescribed text books in Schools Cir. Dt. 17/06/2015
Noon Meal - Posting of Noon Meal Officers - Duties and Responsibilities - Order- No NM(1)/55953/2013/DPI Dt. 17/06/2015
BEd Training Course 2015 -16 -Selection of candidates under Departmental Quota Cir.No.M2/44662/2015/DPI Dt. 17/06/2015
Date of birth correction in Service Book - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.2374/2015/G.Edn Dt. 16/06/2015
Retaining PET in 1:35 ratio - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.2368/2015/G.Edn Dt. 16/06/2015
Enhancement in the rate of Service Tax effective from 01.06.2015- LIC premium enhancement- Updation done at SPARK database -intimation- Cir.No.56/2015/Fin 15/06/2015
Avoiding heavy School Bags - Directions from Balavakasa Commission Cir. Dt. 13/06/2015
Arabic,Urdu Teachers Eligibility Test - Including Teaching Practice G.O.(MS)No.159/2015/Gedn Dt. 12/06/2015
Panchayath aid to adied Schools - Order G.O.(Rt)No.1765/2015/LSGD Dt. 12/06/2015
PSC Dept Tests - Revised Fee Schedule Dt. 11/06/2015
Dept Test exemption - Priority to qualified teachers - Clarification G.O.(MS)No.157/2015/G.Edn Dt. 10/06/2015
Sanskrit Language Development 2015-16 - Formation of Academic Council and Activities Cir.No.PL(2)/41140/2015/DPI Dt. 09/06/2015
Inter District Transfer 2015-16 - Compassionate ground - Applications invited Lr.No.A1/25000/2015/DPI - Dt. 08/06/2015
IEDC 2015-16 - Medical camp - Instructions - Cir.No.IED/44731/15/DPI Dt. 08/06/2015
Revised School Time Table - 2015-16 - Lr.No.QIP(2)/29920/15/DPI Dt. 06/06/2015
SCHEME of WORK 2015-16 - HS Section
UP Section
LP Section Dt.04/06/2015
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Special Rules - Amendment - Guidelines - reg Cir.No.7693/R1/2015/P&ARD. Dt. 04/06/2015
Athletic fund collection 2015-16 - Cir.No.Sports/43467/2015 Dt. 04/06/2015
Celebration of International Day of Yoga Cir.No.32792/Cdn.4/2015/GAD Dt. 02/06/2015
Smart Children Programme - Instructions Lr.No.QIP1/43611/2015/DPI Dt. 02/06/2015
Balavakasa Niyamam - Protection of identity of the victim - Instructions to school authorities H1/32938/15/DPI Dt. 30/05/2015
Education Calendar 2015-16 Dt. 30/05/2015
Muslim/Nadar/Anglo Indian Girls/LSS/USS National Scholarship 2015-16 Cir.No.N1/42423/15/DPI Dt. 30/05/2015
Sixth Working Day Strength Format - PDF Dt. 30/05/2015
Primary HM Promotion - 50 years old - Dept Test qualification exemption - Clarification Lr.No.47021/J1/14/G.Edn Dt. 29/05/2015
General Education Department-School Time Table prepared by N.C.E.R.T- Academic year 2015-16-sanctioned G.O.(Rt)No.2085/2015/G.Edn Dt. 28/05/2015
Personnel & Administrative Reforms Department - Guidelines for the appointment of L.D.C/L.D.Typist(By Transfer) reg - G.O.(P)No.16/2015/P&ARD Dt. 28/05/2015
New Time Table ( 8 Periods ) Dt. 28/05/2015
Higher secondary eduction- Transfer of teachers - Guidelines amended - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.143/2015/G.Edn Dt.27/05/2015
Govt of India - Issuance of Ordinary Passport to Government Servants - NOC is not required - Rules amended Office Memorandum No.VI/401/01/05/2015 Dt. 26/05/2015
General Education- Kerala V.H.S.C(sports school)_Plus one selection-guideline approved- -Orders issued. G.O.(Rt)No.141/15/G.Edn Dt. 26/05/2015
Primary HM promotion - Final Seniority List - Kannur District A4/4018/2015 Dt. 22/05/2015
General Education Dept.- Staff managed schools-Rules amended-Orders issued. G.O.(MS)No.129/2015/G.Edn Dt. 21/05/2015
School uniform - Instructions against wearing tight and uncomfortable dresses Cir.No.H4/30141/15/DPI Dt. 19/05/2015
How to upload Photo and Signature in SPARK - Video
Photo Resizing Software Dt. 18/05/2015
Administrative Tribunal's judgment on test qualifiation - Unqualified High School HMs/AEOs will be reverted Judgment Dt. 18/05/2015
Uniform Distribution 2015-16 - Guidelines P4/2038/14/SSA Dt. 18/05/2015
Dept Test Exemption to HMs and AEOs - Time limit extended G.O.(MS)No.117/2015/G.Edn Dt. 16/05/2015
Aided School status to special schools having 50 students - Proposal submitting reg G.O.(MS)No.116/2015/Gedn Dt. 15/05/2015
Higher Secondary - Maximum allowed Duty leave in a year - Order G.O.(Rt)No.1845/2015/G.Edn Dt. 15/05/2015
Aided recognition for Special schools including Buds School having 100 students G.O.(MS)No.115/2015/G.Edn Dt. 15/05/2015
Dearness Allowance Arrears - Crediting to Provident Fund Accounts - Time limit extended G.O.(P)No.178/2015/Fin Dt. 15/05/2015
General Transfer 2015-16 - Filling up of 1:30 and 1:35 ratio vacancies - Instructions Cir.No.B1/10262/2015/DPI Dt. 15/05/2015
Recognition to Unaided Schools - Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.114/2015/G.Edn Dt. 14/05/2015
List of recommended unaided schools following state syllabus
Sub District and Revenue District Sports events - Travelling allowance to participants - reg Cir.No.Sports 1/36820/2015/DPI Dt. 14/05/2015
B.Ed and M Ed courses - Duration enhanced to two years from 2015-16 onwards - Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.170/2015/H.Edn Dt. 12/05/2015
Approval of Specialist teachers - implication of G.O(p) 10/2010/G.Edn - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.1758/2015/G.Edn Dt. 12/05/2015
Extension of House Building Advance Scheme to teaching/non-teaching staff working in Panchayat/Municipality schools which have been taken over by Government - Modified - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.168/2015/Fin Dt. 11/05/2015
Special School-Teachers-Non-teachers-students ratio-renewed & order amended- Orders issued. G.O.(MS)No.105/2015/G.Edn Dt. 08/05/2015
Appointment approval in the light of quashing of G.O.(p)199/211/G.Edn Dt.01/10/2011 - Clarification to DEO,Idukki Lr.No.18196/H3/2015/G.Edn Dt. 07/05/2015
General Education Department- Higher Secondary Education- Academic- Single Window System of admission to Plus One Course for the academic year 2015-16- Prospectus Approved-Orders issued. G.O.(MS)No.1679/2015/G.Edn Dt. 06/05/2015
Mid Day Meal Scheme 2015-16 - Detailed Guidelines Cir.No.NM-1/31111/2015/DPI Dt. 05/05/2015
Noon Meal Supervisory post in all Sub District Level Offices - Sanctioned - Orders issued. G.O.(MS)No.98/2015/G.Edn Dt. 04/05/2015
Final selective list of LD Clerks upto 31/12/2009 Order No.C5/5/2015/DPI Dt. 02/05/2015
SSLC March 2015 - Application for Revaluation, Photocopy and Scrutiny - Instructions Cir.No.Ex.A4/25103/2015/CGE Dt. 30/04/2015
Textbook distribution 2015 -16 - Guidelines Cir.No.A-2/1633/2014/TBO Dt. 30/04/2015
SPARK data - Updation of mandatory fields - Extension of time limit - Directions Issued Cir.No.46/2015/Fin Dt. 30/04/2015
Eligibility for Family Pension to Parents and unmarried daughters above 25 years of age widowed disabled daughters and divorced disabled daughters -Enhancement of Income limit - Revised - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.155/2015/Fin Dt. 28/04/2015
Vidhyarangam kalasahithyavadi - Revised Manual G.O.(Rt)No.1586/2015/G.Edn Dt. 27/04/2015
Finance Accounts of the State - Preparation and maintaining of Liability Register to identify and record all committed/accrued liabilities - Instructions - Cir.No.45/2015/Fin Dt. 27/04/2015
Duty Leave for Booth Level Officers - Cir.No.27485/cdn.4/2015/GAD Dt. 23/04/2015
Diploma in Education Certificate course 2015 -17 - Notification Dt. 21/04/2015
Application form
List of Training schools
HSA provisional seniority list for the period from 2001-2006 Cir.No.SY(1)/60000/2014/DPI Dt. 20/04/2015
Prevention of exploitation of children at schools - Instructions Cir. Dt. 20/04/2015
Noon Meal Utilisation Certificate submitting reg Lr.No.NM(3)/39237/2014/DPI Dt. 20/04/2015
SAMPOORNA - Rectification of Student details Cir.No.NEP(3)30482/2015/DPI Dt. 18/04/2015
Judgment - HM promotion - Test Qualification - OP(KAT) No. 131 of 2015(Z) Dt. 10/04/2015
HSST Second Higher Grade - Clarification - Lr.No.25968/PRCA3/2015/Fin Dt. 10/04/2015
Conducting classes during summer vacation - Restriction -Cir.No.QIP(2)/24393/2015/DPI Dt. 07/04/2015
Local self government implementing officers - LC/NLC issuing reg Cir.No.5667/AB1/13/LSGD Dt. 11/02/2015 - Endt by DPI No./P2/25860/12/DPI Dt.07/04/2015
Supply and Printing of Text book -2015-16-Supply of Text book designated to postal service dept-sanctioned-Orders issued - G.O.(Rt)No.1342/2015/G.Edn Dt. 31/03/2015
Transfer of students studying in 8t h and 9 th std in Unrecognised schools - Permission accorded - Orders issued G.O.(Rt)No.1292/2015/G.Edn Dt. 30/03/2015
Merging one school with another - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.1266/2015/G.Edn. Dt. 28/03/2015
Consulting Finance Department in court cases where provisions under Part III KSR are challenged - Cir.No.36/2015/Fin - Dt. 27/03/2015
GPAIS - Deduction of premium - Time extended upto 30.04.2015 - Order G.O.(P)No.122/2015/Fin Dt. 27/03/2015
Provisional Seniority list of Assistant Super Check cell officers who were appointed as HM on or before 01/06/2004 Dt. 27/03/2015
Medical Reimbursement application submission - detailed Instructions Cir.No.R6/25390/15/DPI Dt. 25/03/2015
Refund claims in respect of payments received by way of online remittances - Clarifications issued Cir.No.35/2015/Fin Dt. 25/03/2015
DPI's direction to Teachers,HMs and Educational officers against attending other agencies' programmes without permission Lr. Dt. 25/03/2015
P&ARD- Disciplinary action taken against the officials who are going to be retired- immediate finalization reg. Cir.No.21658/adc2/2014/P&ARD Dt. 24/03/2015
Noon Meal- Kitchen cum Store purchase - Guidelines - Cir.No.NM1/14740/2015/DPI Dt. 23/03/2015
Banning Junk food in schools - Lr.No.M4/93464/2014/DPI Dt. 23/03/2015
Mid Day Meal -Utilisation of MME Fund - Guidelines Cir.No. NM1/14740/2015/DPI Dt. 23/03/2015
Personnel and Administrative Reforms Department- restrictions in Smoking,drinking during duty time-Orders Issued - Cir.No.515/Ad 2/2015/P&ARD Dt. 23/03/2015
HSA Final seniority list for the period from 01/01/1997 to 31/12/2000 OrderNo.7030/2011/DPI Dt. 23/03/2015
LSS USS Model Questions 2015 - DIET Kannur Dt. 23/03/2015
Answer Key
USS OMR Sheet Model
1975 special recruitment-apprentice P.D.Teachers-apprentice period for pension-considered qualified service - -K.S.R ,Section III,Rule 15- Orders issued. G.O.(P)No.73/2015/G.Edn Dt. 21/03/2015
Child abuse - setting up of Drop Boxes in schools - Instructions Lr.No.H1/4990/2015/DPI Dt. 21/03/2015
P&ARD- Reporting of anticipatory vacancies for L.D.C. -May,June 2015-creation of supernumerary post -Orders issued - G.O.(Rt)No.13/2015/P&ARD Dt. 21/03/2015
Genl Transfer 2015-16 - High School Headmaster/AEO - Circular 1 Cir.No.D5/10200/2015/DPI Dt. 20/03/2015
Genl Transfer 2015-16 - High School Headmaster/AEO - Circular 2 Cir.No.D5/10200/2015/DPI Dt. 20/03/2015
LWA Application without date - Instructions Lr.No.SC(1)/22260/2015/DPI Dt. 19/03/2015
General Transfer 2015-16 - Teachers - Online application invited - Cir.No.B1/10262/2015/DPI Dt.18/03/2015
LSS USS Exam 2015 - Posting of Invigilators Cir.No.Ex/A5/1230/2015/CGE Dt. 12/03/2015
Clerks to Senior Clerk promotion - Provisional List No.C5/5/2015/DPI Dt. 12/03/2015
HSE - Payment of remuneration to the Higher Secondary Teachers appointed on daily wages sanctioned in 2011-12 academic year onwards - Sanctioned Orders issued G.O.(Rt)No.956/2015/G.Edn Dt. 11/03/2015
LTC - Allowing Train fare in the place of flight ticket fare - Clarification Lr.No.34126/H1/2013/G.Edn Dt. 11/03/2015
Direct Benefit Transfer System - Routing of all benefits through the existing bank account of beneficiaries - Direction issued - Cir.No.30/2015/Fin Dt. 09/03/2015
LSS USS Exam 2015 - Question Paper Distribution and Answer sheet despatching - Instructions Cir.No.Ex/A5/1230/2015/CGE Dt. 09/03/2015
School Calendar Changing - Guidelines - Cir.No.H(4)/13982/15/DPI Dt. 07/03/2015
Higher Secondary Examination - Concession to the students with special needs- Extending the benefits enjoyed by the students appearing for SSLC Examination to the students appearing for Higher Secondary Examination permanently- Sanction Accorded-Modified - Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.65/2015/G.Edn Dt. 06/03/2015
Sukanya Samridhi - Savings scheme from Postal Dept for Girl Child - Lending co-operation reg Lr.No.55/2015/DPI Dt. 04/03/2015
Grace Mark - SSLC March 2015 - Cir.No.Y1/13984/2015/DPI Dt. 04/03/2015
Defects/Deficiencies noticed in the inputs on Provident Fund Cir.No.24/2015/Fin Dt. 28/02/2015
Provisional Seniority List - Office Attendant - Kannur District - No.A5/8687/2014 Dt. 27/02/2015
Updation of employee details in SPARK - Cir.No.23/2015/Fin Dt. 26/02/2015
Noon Meal - Hygiene and Quality ensuring guidelines - Recommendations from Balavakasa Commission - Cir.No.NM1/10999/2015/DPI Dt. 26/02/2015
National pension System for State Government employees and All India Service (Kerala Cadre) officers - Realization of regular contribution in respect of deputation staff - Guidelines -G.O.(P)No.96/2015/Fin Dt. 24/02/2015
Extra Curricular Activities in schools - Instructions Cir.No.H1/7838/2015/DPI Dt. 20/02/2015
CUG (Closed User Group)Mobile Connection - BSNL - DPI's direction to Head of offices Lr.No.M(4)7104/2015 Dt. 19/02/2015
Appointment in Uneconomic Schools - Excerpt from Headmaster Magazine February 2015 Dt. 19/02/2015
LSS USS Exam 2014-15 - Invigilators appointment - Directions to DEOs Lr.Dt. 19/02/2015
USS Model Question Papers with model OMR Sheets Dt. 17/02/2015
General Transfer 2015-16 - Ministerial gazetted - Applications invited Cir.No.D1/11300/2015/DPI Dt. 16/02/2015
Local self government implementing officers - LC/NLC issuing reg Cir.No.5667/AB1/13/LSGD Dt. 11/02/2015 - Endt by DPI No./P2/25860/12/DPI Dt.07/04/2015
51 B Claimant - Sister as dependant - Case Study G.O.(MS)No.43/2015/G.Edn Dt. 09/02/2015
Kerala Teacher Eligibility Test (K-TET)- Issue of Duplicate Hall Ticket of candidates- Rate of Fee- fixed-Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.39/2015/G.Edn Dt. 07/02/2015
Dearness Allowance revised from 01/07/2014 - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.72/2015/Fin Dt. 07/02/2015
HSE -Transfer of higher secondary school teachers - guidelines - amended - orders issued - G.O.(P)No.37/2015/G.Edn Dt. 06/02/2015
Conversion of Drawing post to Music - Case Study G.O.(Rt)No.519/2015/G.Edn Dt. 05/02/2015
HSE - Guest Teacher Appointment - Relaxation in special rules - Lr.No.ACDC1/55509/2014 Dt. 05/02/2015
Appointment of teachers- preference between candidates acquiring equal marks-modified-Orders issued G.O.(P)No.35/2015/G.Edn Dt. 04/02/2015
Kerala Part Time Contingent Employees Provident Fund - Temporary / Non refundable withdrawals - Delegation of disbursing officers revised - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.57/2015/Fin Dt. 02/02/2015
LSS USS Exam 2015 - Appointing Scribe - reg Cir.No.H1/53073/2014/CGE Dt. 31/01/2015
What is Public Entrance Examination Coaching Scheme (PEECS) ? Dt. 31/01/2015
PEECS Course Registration
Aided School Transfer against norms -Petition Disposed - Orders issued - Case Study G.O.(Rt)No.414/2015/G.Edn Dt. 29/01/2015
SC/ST Temporary exemption from passing Special or Departmental tests-period of exemption-extended-Orders issued -G.O.(P)No.05/2015/P&ARD Dt. 29/01/2015
SSLC 2015 IT EXAMINATION CIRCULAR - Cir.No.EX.A4/71100/2014/CGE Dt. 26/01/2015
Special Casual Leave to LPSA for attending the duties as Block Panchayath President - Order ( Case Study)- G.O.(Rt)No.368/2015/G.Edn Dt. 24/01/2015
HSE - Safety and security of children - Guidelines Cir.No.Acd.C1/2057/HSE/2015 Dt. 24/01/2015
Kerala Service Rules - Special Casual Leave to disabled and physically handicapped employees -Clarification - Cir.No.13/2015/Fin Dt. 20/01/2015
Sargolsavam - Grace Marks to ST students appearing for SSLC exam - Orders issued G.O.(Rt)No.313/2015/G.Edn Dt. 20/01/2015
Threatened strike on 22/01/2015 by Govt Employees and Teachers - Measures for dealing with - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.22/2015/GAD Dt. 19/01/2015
Income Tax 2014-15 - KPPHA Guidance Part II Dt. 16/01/2014
KSRs - Commutation of leave into another kind of leave-Clarification issued Cir.No.9/2015/Fin Dt. 16/01/2015
The Judgment that quashed G.O.(p)No.199/2011/G.Edn Dt.01/10/2011 and related orders - Judgment in WP(C).No. 30107 of 2013 (K) - State of Kerala Vs The Manager Koorikuzhi A.M.U.P. School - Dt. 15/01/2015
Higher Secondary Examination-Concession to the Students with Special needs-Extending the benefits enjoyed by the students appearing for SSLC Examination to HSE Examination also - Orders issued. - G.O.(MS)No.11/2015/G.Edn Dt. 14/01/2015
National Pension System (NPS) for All India Service (Kerala Cadre) Officers and State employees -Realization of backlog contributions - Guidelines and accounting procedure-Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.22/2015/Fin Dt. 14/01/2015
K-TET Exemption 2014-15 - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.10/15/ G.Edn Dt. 13/01/2015
Deployment of Govt School teachers - GSTU representation - Clarified - Orders issued G.O.(Rt)No.158/15/G.Edn Dt. 13/01/2015
LSS USS Exam 2014-15 - Instructions to various levels of officers Cir.No.Ex.A5/1230/2015/CGE Dt. 08/01/2015
Provisional seniority list of officers in the cadre of Senior Superintendents Dt. 07/01/2014
National Teachers Award 2014-15 - Proposal called for Lr.No.Y2/1004/15/DPI Dt. 06/01/2015
KEAM 2015 - Prospectus modified - SEBC Candidates require NCLC - G.O.(MS)No.4/2015/H.Edn Dt. 05/01/2015
Last Grade servants by transfer promotion as LD Clerk/Typist - Seniority list preparation -DPI's instructions - Cir.No.C1/18141/2014/DPI Dt. 05/01/2015
Appointment in less than one academic year - Approval - Case Study G.O.(Rt)No.29/2015/G.Edn Dt. 05/01/2015
LSS USS Exam 2014-15 - Notification - No Ex No.H1/530738/2014/CG Dt. 07/01/2015
Text Book Indent - 2015-16 - Cir.No.A4/1633/14/TBO Dt. 01/01/2015
Aided School Service in Temporary leave vacancies will not count for probation - Case Study - G.O.(Rt)No.5789/2014/G.Edn Dt. 31/12/2014
Appointment of approval of teachers appointed prior to 1.6.2011 - Case Study G.O.(Rt)No.5791/2014/G.Edn Dt. 31/12/2014
Provisional Seniority List of UD Clerks for the period from 01/01/2006 to 31/12/20010 SY2/39000/2010/DPI Dt. 31/12/2014
Inter District Tranfer 2014-15 - Guidelines - Cir.No.A1/69000/2014/DPI Dt. 31/12/2014
Appointment in Uneconomic Schools - Case Study G.O.(Rt)No.5739/2014/G.Edn Dt. 29/12/2014
Appointment of Vidhyavolunteers - Cir.No.NEP1/57658/14/DPI Dt. 29/12/2014
Sanskrit Scholarship Exam 2014-15 - Conducting reg Cir.Dt. 27/12/2014
Child line activities - Creating awareness among children Cir.No.M4/93059/2014/DPI Dt. 23/12/2014
Baalasanthwanam 2014- Introduced - G.O.(P)No.575/2014/Fin Dt. 23/12/2014
Deduction of Tax at Source - Income Tax Deduction from Salaries during the Financial Year 2014-15 under Section 192 of the Income-Tax Act 1961 - Cir.No.110/2014/Fin Dt. 23/12/2014
Teachers Bank & Staff Fixation - Guidelines -G.O.(P)No.278/2014/Gedn Dt. 23/12/2014
Protection - Regularisation of out of service period - Case Study G.O.(Rt)No.5676/2014/G.Edn Dt. 23/12/2014
Notional Fixation - Option - Clarification on monetary benefit from Finace Dept Lr.No.102884/PRC - A3/14/Fin Dt. 22/12/2014
Iron Folic Acid to School Children - Monitoring reg Cir.No.N.M6/65975/2012/DPI Dt. 20/12/2014
Medical Reimbursement Verification of Essentiality Certificate by Competent Authority - Specification of admissible amount - Instruction to Heads of Department Cir.No.107/2014/Fin Dt. 18/12/2014
51 B Claimant's appointment - Case Study - G.O.(Rt)No.5604/2014/G.Edn Dt. 18/12/2014
Implementation of National Pension System - Applicability of the Scheme - Clarifications - Issued Cir.No.106/2014/Fin Dt. 16/12/2014
Income Tax 2014-15 - KPPHA Guidance - Part I Dt. 16/12/2014
Headmasters' Notional Grade Option - Monetary benefit - Clarification - Lr.No.R4/90731/14/DPI Dt. 15/12/2014
HSE - Declaration of Probation of Lab Assistants in Higher Secondary Schools-Sanction Accorded-Orders issued - G.O.(Rt)No.5567/2014/G.Edn Dt. 15/12/2014
Appeal petition - Appointment in Uneconomic school - Case Study G.O.(Rt)No.5562/201/2014/G.Edn Dt. 15/12/2014
Reporting of anticipatory vacancies for L.D.C. , June 2015-Orders issued. G.O.(Rt)No.25085/adv .c3/2014/P&ARD Dt. 15/12/2014
HBA scheme extended to Panchayath/Municipality School staff - Orders issued G.O.(P)No.549/2014/Fin Dt. 12/12/2014
Appointment of Non Teaching staff from Teachers Bank - Clarification Cir.No.SC(2)/25893/14/DPI Dt. 12/12/2014
Teachers Package 2014 - Cabinet Decision - Chief Minister's Press release Dt. 11/12/2014
Voluntary retirement as punishment - Appelate Order ( Case Study) G.O.(Rt)No.5533/2014/G.Edn Dt. 11/12/2014
Income Tax 2014-15 Circular - Govt of India - Cir.No.17/2014 Dt. 10/12/2014
Exemption from Department Test - Govt High School HMs/AEO - Sixth Months from 01/09/2014 - Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.265/2014/G.Edn Dt. 06/12/2014
Right to Information Act (RTI) - Amendment - Online fee remittance incorporated - Gazatte Notification G.O.(P)No.338/2014/GAD Dt. 05/12/2014
Kerala State Open School-Registration system for the Secondary Course of National Institute of Open School and Plus One course of Kerala State Open School during 2014-15-Relaxation extended- G.O.(Rt)No.5435/2014/2014 Dt. 05/12/2014
Appointment to the Last Grade Service - Police Verification and P.S.C Verification made mandatory for regularisation of service - Orders issued. G.O.(P)No.40/2014/P&ARD Dt. 05/12/2014
Reporting of anticipatory vacancies through e-mail to K.P.S.C -Orders issued. G.O.(Rt)No.24741/adv .c3/2014/P&ARD Dt. 05/12/2014
Arabic Language study - Omission of the word 'Muslim' from KER Chapter XXIII 2 A(1) - KER Amended - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.261/2014/G.Edn Dt. 04/12/2014
HSE- Practical evaluation- Zoology- guidelines , scheme and model question paper Cir.No.Acd/SPC(2)/54353/HSE/2014 Dt. 03/12/2014
Delay in disbursing Pensionery Benefits - Penal interest imposing - reg Cir.No.P6/19487/2014/DPI Dt. 01/12/2014
Application for Leave Without Allowance - Guidelines - Cir.No.SC(2)/86896/14/DPI Dt.01/12/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - Deployment of Govt school teachers - Directions to DDEs Lr.No.H2(2)/35637/201/DPI Dt. 27/11/2014
Appointment appeal - vacation salary - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.5248/2014/G.Edn Dt. 25/11/2014
National Pension System - Mobility to employees from the Central Government Service to State Government Service - Applicability of KSR Part III pensionary benefits - Sanctioned G.O.(P)No.516/2014/Fin Dt. 24/11/2014
Genl Edn - Qualifications and methods of appointment for the post of Headmasters Assistant Teachers and Special Teachers appointed to the Schools for the Handicapped-Modified-Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.245/2014/G.Edn Dt. 24/11/2014
General Education Department-2015-16 academic year- Sanctioning of additional Higher Secondary Schools and batches- Revised -Orders issued. - G.O.(MS)No.247/2014/G.Edn Dt. 24/11/2014
Part Time Instructor through SSA - Instructions cancelled Cir.No. H2/60966/14 - Dt. 24/11/2014
IT Fest 2014 -15 - Guidelines - Cir.No.NEP(3)/72517/2014/DPI Dt. 24/11/2014
Appointment approval/rejection by DPI - case studies
Order:KDi/EM2/7913/14/DPI Dt. 22/11/2014
Order:KDi/EM2/40119/14/DPI Dt. 22/11/2014
Order:KDi/EM2/65211/14/DPI Dt. 22/11/2014
Order:KDi/EM2/77587/14/DPI Dt. 22/11/2014
Order:KDi/EM2/84495/14/DPI Dt. 22/11/2014
Appointment approval - Drawing Tr - Case study - G.O.(Rt)No.5166/2014/G.Edn Dt. 21/11/2014
Appointment approval - PET - appointed in the middle of an academic year - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.5167/2014/G.Edn Dt. 21/11/2014
Noon Meal Cooking charges 2012-13 - Clarification - Lr.No.NM(3)/39237/14/DPI Dt. 21/11/2014
Staff Fixation 2013-14 - H.S.A. Malayalam - revising reg - Lr.No 35637/14/DPI Dt. 20/11/2014
Implementing E Treasury system - Lr.No.K3/86240/2014/DPI Dt. 20/11/2014
Kerala Part time Contingent Service Special Rules- Age limit enhanced - Orders Issued G.O.(P)No.39/2014/P&ARD Dt. 17/11/2014
Approval of appointment of daily wage teacher in leave vacancy in uneconomic school - Case Study - G.O.(Rt)No.5026/201/G.Edn Dt.17/11/2014
Grace Mark for facilitator students in 35th National Games Kerala 2015 - Sanctioned - Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.239/2014/G.Edn Dt. 17/11/2014
Cancellation of GO for the Appointment of Part Time Instructor- SSA Lr.No.64077/D2/2014/Gedn Dt. 17/11/2014
Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme (GPAIS) - Renewal for the year 2015 - Instructions G.O.(P)No.507/2014/Fin Dt. 17/11/2014
IT School project - Selection of VIII std students for computer programme training Cir.No.85173/14/DPI Dt. 15/11/2014
Revision of monthly work Report - Revised file arrear format Cir.No.23408/AR14(2)/P&ARD Dt. 15/11/2014
P&ARD-Mutual or Inter Departmental Transfer -conditions for granting transfers to Government servants other than Last Grade Servants-reckoning of seniority-Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.38/2014/P&ARD Dt. 14/11/2014
General Education-S.S.A/R.M.S.A fund-Construction of toilet in 196 school- administrative sanction accorded - G.O.(Rt)No.236/2014/G.Edn Dt. 13/11/2014
Interest Free Medical Advance -Inclusion of Date of Birth and Permanent Employee Number (PEN) in the sanction order - Cir.No.98/2014/Fin Dt. 13/11/2014
Kerala State Insurance Department - Amendment in GO(P) No 530/13/Fin dated : 22-10-2013 (SLI Rules) - Sanctioned - G.O.(P)No.493/2014/Fin Dt. 12/11/2014
Judgment in WP© 1337/2014 - Primary HM Promotion Case Study G.O.(Rt)No.4933/2014/G.Edn Dt. 12/11/2014
Preparation of database in respect of State Service Pensioners - PRISM (Pensioner Information System) - Entry - G.O.(P)No.489/2014/Fin Dt. 11/11/2014
Treasury Deposit- Allowing interest to Personal Deposit Accounts of Educational Institutions - G.O.(MS)No.486/2014/Fin Dt. 11/11/2014
National Pension System -Employees covered under NPS deputed to State Government Departments from Autonomous Bodies, central Government and other State Governments -Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.488/2014/Fin Dt. 11/11/2014
Teaching and non teaching staff in Local Self Governing Dept. - Coming over to Govt service - Option called for - Cir.No. SY1/6080/13/DPI Dt. 10/11/2014
Vocational Higher Secondary Education-Approving of practical Paper of Vocational Higher Secondary Courses as equivalent/alternate qualification to KGTE Typewriting English (Lower) and Computer Word Processing (Lower)-Sanctioned-Orders issued.- G.O.(MS)No.232/2014/Gl.Edn - Dt. 06/11/2014
Health & Family Welfare Department-Time bound settling of Medical Reimbursement Claims in respect of Government Servants/Teachers suffering from Cancer and Kidney diseases-Instruction issued-Regarding - Cir.No.49329/G2/14/H&FWD Dt. 29/10/2014
Official Language Department- Displaying of name boards of official vehicles in Malayalam-Regarding.- Cir.No.12163/OL.3/2014/P&ARD Dt. 28/10/2014
Art Education included in the School Curriculum - Cir.No.33620/D3/14/G.Edn Dt. 28/10/2014
Inclusion of PIN Code in the name boards of Government Officers and the contact telephone numbers & E- mail addresses of the senders in all Government Communications - Strict compliance-Reg - Cir.No.No.75188/Cdn.4/2014/GAD - Dt. 28/10/2014
Appointment of Employees on Daily Wages - Enhancement of Daily Wages in respect of Various Categories - Orders Issued - G.O.(p)No.466/2014/Fin Dt. 28/10/2014
Appointment in LWA Vacancies - Non Teaching Staff- Clarification Lr.No.SC(2)/50254/14/DPI - Dt. 27/10/2014
Bogus Admission - Editing UID details of pupils - Permission accorded to concerned schools Cir.No.H2/35637/2014/DPI Dt. 27/10/2014
Admission to Govt /Aided Schools - Qualifying exams prohibited - Guidelines Cir.No.54413/G1/14/G.Edn Dt. 24/10/2014
Appointing protected teacher in newly upgraded schools - Case Study G.O.(Rt)No.4369/2014/G.Edn Dt. 21/10/2014
Eligibility to the family members of former Government employees who were in receipt of compassionate allowance - Clarification - 457/2014/Fin Dt. 20/10/2014
SSLC Exam 2015 - Appointment of Deputy Chief Supdts in Gulf Region - Applications called for Cir.No.CGI(2)71500/2014/CGE Dt. 20/10/2014
SSLC Exam 2015 - Appointment of Deputy Chief Supdts in Lakshadweep - Applications called for No.CGI(2)71500/2014/CGE Dt.20/10/2014
Designating Additional/Joint Secretary in charge of NPSC as State Nodal Officer - G.O.(P)No.458/2014/Fin Dt. 20/10/2014
Appointment of 51 A claimant on Daily wage basis - Case Study - G.O.(Rt)No.4249/2014/Gen Edn Dt. 17/10/2014
Time bound Higher Grade - Granting belated option - Case Study - G.O.(Rt)No.4210/2014/G.Edn Dt.16/10/2014
Application form for interest free medical advance to Govt Employees - G.O.(P)No.446/2014/Fin Dt. 16/10/2014
Appointment of 51 A claimant on daily wage basis - judgment in WP© complied with - Order G.O.(Rt)No.4152/2014/G.Edn Dt. 14/10/2014
Conducting of Second Terminal IT Exam HS 2014 -15 - Instructions - Cir.No.NEP(3) 49375/2013 Dt. 14/10/2014
National Pension System - Delay in registration of employees coming under NPS - Instructions - Cir.No.91/2014/Fin Dt. 13/10/2014
Relieving and rejoining between State and Central Govt posts - Case study G.O.(Rt)No.4121/2014/G.Edn Dt. 13/10/2014
National Pension System - Crediting of arrears of Pay and Dearness Allowances in respect of State Government employees to General Provident Fund -Clarification - G.O.(P)No.440/2014/Fin Dt. 13/10/2014
P&ARD- Equivalency of qualification for posts included in the Special Rules-Issuance of timely modification.- Cir.No.9481/R1/2011/P&ARD Dt. 10/10/2014
Snehapoorvam Project - Revised Guidelines - G.O.(MS)No.83/2014/SJD Dt. 10/10/2014
Snehapoorvam Website
Unaided Schools following State Syllabus - Granting of recognition - Time Extended for submitting applications - G.O.(Rt)No.4078/2014/G.Edn Dt. 09/10/2014
Bogus Admission 2014-15 - Allowing time for rectification - Instructions - Cir.No.H2/35637/14 Dt. 09/10/2014
Payment of pensionary benefits - Form of LC/NLC issued in Circular No 5/83/Fin dated 09-02-1983 - Modified - Orders issued - Cir.No.90/2014/Fin Dt.08/10/2014
Educational Allowance to Employees - Clarification Lr.No.Endt.M3/6304/2012/DPI Dt. 01/10/2014
Injury during duty time - Sick leave sanctioned - orders issued - Case Study - G.O.(Rt)No.3928/2014/G.Edn Dt. 30/09/2014
Two Family Pensions for Military and/or Civil Employments -Orders issued G.O.(P)No.427/2014/Fin Dt. 30/09/2014
KPPHA Magazine Questionaire - Sept 2014 - Dealing with Notional Grade,Appointment during Special Leave,Group C diversion,HM promotion on completion of 12 years Dt. 30/09/2014
KPPHA Magazine - Points to be kept in mind while applying for Notional Grade Option as per G.O.(p)290/2014/(197)Fin 16/07/2014 Dt. 30/09/2014
Provisional Seniority list of Junior Clerks from 1/1/2010 to 31/12/2012 - Cir.No.SY(3)/62278/2013/DPI Dt. 29/09/2014 Provisional Seniority list
Psyco Social Service Scheme- School Councilor's Wages Enhanced - Orders issued - G.O.(Rt)No.601/2014/SJD Dt.27/09/2014
Approval of appointment in Uneconomic Schools - Appeal - Case Study G3/80685/2013/DPI Dt. 27/09/2014
Collecting details of staff to be shifted to Teachers Bank from Corporate Management schools - Lr.No.H2/35637/14 Dt. 26/09/2014
Compassionate Employment Scheme-Seniority Guidelines rectified-Orders issued. G.O.(P)No.33/2014/P&ARD Dt. 26/09/2014
Promotion during the currency of Penalty of Withholding of increment with or without cumulative effect under KCS(CC&A) Rules-Reg.Cir.No.1479/Adv.C2/2014/P&ARD Dt. 25/09/2014
OBC Prematric Scholarship - 2014-15 - Application Invited - Circular - Cir.No.BCDD/A3/1321/13 Dt. 24/09/2014
OBC Pre Matric Scholarship Application Form
List of OBC Communities which are eligible for Educational Concessions as is given to OEC Dt. 24/09/2014
HSE - Govt/aided schools - Guidelines of PTA functioning - Amended - Orders issued - reg - G.O.(MS)No.196/2014/G.Edn Dt. 23/09/2014
General Transfer of Higher Secondary School Teachers - Rules amended - Orders issued - G.O.(P)No.193/2014/G.Edn Dt. 22/09/2014
Super Check Cell promotion - Service Card from Primary Headmasters called for - Cir.No.SY1/15205/14/DPI Dt.22/09/2014
Provisional list of Transfer of resource teachers under IEDSS working on contract basis Dt. 22/09/2014
RTE Act - Notifying local authorities and preparation of activity mapping for local authorities - G.O(P)No.192/2014/Gedn Dt.20/09/2014
Backward Communities Pre-matric Scholarship - Revised eligibility criteria - Orders issued. G.O.(Rt)No.80/2014/BCDD Dt. 19/09/2014
Sanskrit Education in L.P.Classes - Allocation of periods Lr.No.PL(2)/64711/14/DPI Dt. 19/09/2014
Shasthramela DPI's Letter Dt. 19/09/2014 Annexure 1 Annexure III
Collecting details of Excess Staff from Corporate and Single Management schools having more than one School - DPI's Managers No.H2/35637/14 Dt. 19/09/2014
Phone Numbers - DPI Office Dt. 18/09/2014
HBA Scheme -Combined Seniority list 2014-15 Cir.No.82/2014/Fin Dt. 18/09/2014
Seniority List
Teachers Bank - Online collection of details of excess employees 2014-15 - reg - Lr.No.H2/35637/14 Dt.17/09/2014
NuMats Exam for Sixth Std Students 2014-15 - Circular Cir.No.F5/1879/2014/SCERT Dt.17/09/2014
Special School - Aided Status - Application invited from special schools - Cir.No.M1/51279/2014/DPI Dt. 17/09/2014
Higher Secondary - Five days a week time schedule - Revised orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.189/2014/G.Edn Dt. 16/09/2014
Review Petition No.347-348 of 2014 State of Kerala Vs T.S.Nadeera Lr.No.29750/J2/14/G.Edn Dt. 05/09/2014
Promotion of last grade servants as clerks - Service Card called for - Kannur District - Cir. Dt. 05/09/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - Collecting retrenched teachers list - reg Lr.No. H2/35637/2014 Dt. 03/09/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - Protected/ retrenched teachers calling back - reg - Lr.No. H2/35637/2014 Dt. 03/09/2014
Onam 2014 - 5 KG Special Rice to students enrolled in Noon Meal Programme - Cir.Dt. 01/09/2014
Earned Leave Surrender for Vacation and Non Vacation Staff - Calculation method - Rule 78 and 81 of KSR - Extracts from Guide Books Dt. 01/09/2014
General Education Department- Special issue of 5 Kg.rice to school students covered under Mid-day-Meal Scheme during Onam Season 2014-modified--Orders issued - G.O.(Rt)No.3512/2014/G.Edn Dt. 01/09/2014
Payment of Pensionary benefits due to orphaned children of deceased Government Employees - Liberalising existing procedure - G.O.(P)No.381/2014/Fin Dt. 01/09/2014
Final seniority list of Kannada knowing H.S.As Dt. 30/08/2014
MGLC - Onam Allowance - Lr.No. Dt. 30/08/2014
Kerala School Sathramela -1 KG Gold Cup - Press Release Circular Dt. 30/08/2014 Annexure I Annexure III
Appointment in Uneconomic Schools since 01/06/2011 - Clarification Lr.No.49275/J2/14/G.Edn Dt. 29/08/2014
Noon Meal cook festival allowance G.O.(Rt)No.3443/2014/G.Edn Dt. 27/08/2014
Special Team from Treasury for the verification of SPARK data with details in Service Book - Instructions issued Cir.No.78/2014/Fin Dt. 27/08/2014
Festival allowance to pre primary teachers,ayahs and cooks attached to Govt Schools - G.O.(Rt)No.3443/2014/G.Edn Dt. 27/08/2014
Jr. Clerk to Sr.Clerk Promotion 2006-09 - Service Card called for Cir.No.C5/5/2014/DPI Dt. 26/08/2014
Re arrangement of excess teachers - Govt instructions Lr.No.47002/J2/14/Gedn Dt. 26/08/2014
Noon Meal - Pre-Primary- Cancellation of 26/06/2014 dated Circular Cir.No.NM3/48091/2014/DPI Dt. 26/08/2014
Service Card Verification - Clerical Post Cir. Dt. 26/08/2014
Kerala School Shastra Mela - Making a Gold Cup from students contribution - Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.168/2014/G.Edn Dt. 26/08/2014
Appointment of Daily Wage Teachers in Govt Schools - Instructions Cir.No.H2/35637/14 Dt. 25/08/2014
Special concession for students not studying in Malayalam G.O.(MS)No.3391/14/Gedn Dt. 25/08/2014
Non Teaching Excess Staff - Salary Disbursing reg Lr.No.13186/J2/14/G.Edn Dt. 23/08/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - Excess teachers - Updating School Employees Data - Lr.No.H2/35637/14 Dt.23/08/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - Deployment of Teachers in schools where more than one school is owned by a Single/Corporate Manager- Cir.No.H2/35637/14 Dt. 23/08/2014
HSA - Revised provisional seniority list for the period from 01.01.1997 to 31.12.2000 Dt. 21/08/2014
Transfer of students from unrecognised schools - Balavakasa Commission's directions to Govt with regard to G.O.(Rt)No.807/2014/G.Edn Dt.18/02/2014 - Order CRMP No.687/LA/2014 Dt.20/08/2014 (This direction led to the issuance of Cir No.54413/G1/14/G.Edn Dt.24/10/2014)
Effective minimum strength for linguistic minority schools G.O.(MS)No.162/14/Gedn Dt. 20/08/2014
Cash Award for SC Students who got A Grade in School Youth Festival 2013-14 - Notice from Scheduled Caste Development Dept Dt. 20/08/2014
Bharath Scout and Guide - Token flag price enhanced from Rs.1 to Rs.10 - G.O.(Rt)No.3344/2014/G.Edn Dt. 20/08/2014
Appointment of Part Time Instructors 2014-15 Lr.No.H2/60966/2014/DPI Dt. 19/08/2014
Special Casual Leave to officers having children undergoing Chemotherapy,Dialysis and HIV - G.O.(P)No.341/201/Fin Dt. 18/08/2014
Constitution of Kerala Administrative Service-Report of the Committee set up to study the feasibility of creating Kerala Administrative Service-Approved-Orders issued. G.O.(MS)No.228/2014/GAD Dt. 16/08/2014
Distribution of periods as per GO (Rt) 807/91/G.Edn Dt.14/03/1991, GO(Rt) 3535/91 Dt. 25/11/1991 and GO (Rt) 1248/92/G.Edn Dt.06/04/1992. Posted on 15/08/2014
K-TET - Delay in receiving certificates from DEOs - imposition of fine - Orders issued G.O.(Rt)No.3258/2014/G.Edn Dt. 14/08/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - Additional Division - Verification of UID/EID in all schools - Lr.No.H2/35637/14 Dt. 14/08/2014
Mandatory reporting of Child abuse cases to Child Welfare Committee,child line or Police Station-Instructions issued. Cir.No.11961/FW2/2014/H&FWD Dt. 13/08/2014
National Means Cum Merit Scholarships ( NMMS) 2014-15 - Instructions Dt. 12/08/2014
Term Evaluation 2014 -15 -Primary School Dt. 12/08/2014
Scheme of work 2014 -15 - HS Section UP Section LP Section Dt. 12/08/2014
KER Amendment - 2014 - Recruitment of teaching and Non teaching staff in Aided Schools - G.O.(P)No.154/2014/G.Edn Dt. 11/08/2014
National Talent Search Exam 2014-15 - Instructions Dt. 11/08/2014
Various Professional Colleges, HSE,VHSE admission of Other Backward Classes - Kumarapillai Commission Report - Education Benefits sanctioned - Orders issued.- G.O.(MS)No.15/2014/BCDD - Dt. 08/08/2014
Ravuthar community included in OBC Muslim - Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.16/2014/BCDD Dt. 08/08/2014
HSE - Pluse one Admission to new batches - Instructions Cir. Dt. 08/08/2014
Govt Servants Conduct Rules amendment - Prohibits holding key positions in communal or religious groups G.O.(P)No.27/2014/P&ARD Dt.07/08/2014
Pay Revision Questionnaire - Malayalam English Dt. 07/08/2014
Appointment of protected teachers in newly opened/upgraded schools - approval method- case study - Lr.No.70487/L2/2014/G.Edn Dt. 06/08/2014
SSLC March 2015 - CWSN - Concession - reg Dt. 06/08/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - Govt Schools - Deployment of Excess Teachers - Lr.No.H2/35637/14 Dt. 06/08/2014
K TET Sept 2014 - Prospectus Dt. 02/08/2014
Syllabus - Category I Category II Category III Category IV
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - Payment of salary to those who included in the Teachers Bank - Cir.No.H2/35637/14 Dt. 01/08/2014
Recording of the Annual Confidential Report Cir No.3900/Adv.C2/2014/P&ARD Dt.15/02/2014 Endt by DPI Dt. 01/08/2014
Vigilance - Surprise Inspection and Checking Squad Constituted - Orders issued Dt. 01/08/2014
Digitalising the History of Shadabdi Schools - Cir.No.QIP(2)/43003/10/DPI Dt. 01/08/2014
P&ARD - 12th report of Second Administrative Reforms Commission of India- Affidavition and self attestation of G.O.(P)No.24/2014/P&ARD Dt. 31/07/2014
Setting up of E - treasury - Online Payment of Chelans - Orders Issued - G.O.(P)No.310/2014/Fin Dt. 30/07/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - Issuing reg - Lr.Dt. 30/07/2014
Reporting Vacancies to Kerala Public Service Commission- through e-mail-Amended-Orders issued - Cir No.15342/P&AR.C3/2014/P&ARD Dt. 24/07/2014
Income Tax - Monthly deduction from the salary of Govt Employees - reg - Cir. Dt. 24/07/2014
Option for Notional Grade - Questionnaire - Headmasters Magazine by KPPHA - July 2014 - Dt. 24/07/2014
New Common Bill form for drawing non-salary claims- renamed as form TR 59(C)- G.O.(P)No.306/2014/Fin Dt. 23/07/2014
Higher Secondary - Public Examination Coaching Scheme (PEECS) - Instructions to Principals - Cir.Dt. 23/07/2014
RAMZAN - Early Disbursement of Pay and Allowances G.O.(P)No.305/2014/Fin Dt. 23/07/2014
List of books selected for Libraries in Govt. Schools Dt. 22/07/2014
Compassionate Employment Scheme -Fixing of norms regarding service conditions of appointees recruited against supernumerary posts-Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.22/2014/P&ARD Dt. 21/07/2014
DA Arrear - Crediting to PF Accounts - Time Limit Extended G.O.(P)No.303/2014/Fin Dt. 21/07/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - Deployment of surplus Govt School Teachers - Instructions - Lr.No.H2/35637/2014/DPI Dt. 21/07/2014
Anganwadi functioning along with Pre Primary - Clarification G.O.(Rt)No.2667/2014/G.Edn Dt. 19/07/2014
Promotion of last grade servants as Clerks and Typists - Clarification - Order - G.O.(P)No.21/2014/P&ARD Dt. 19/07/2014
Transfer,Promotion,Grade,Seniority of teaching & nonteaching staff in self government schools - G.O.(MS)No.132/2014/G.Edn Dt. 17/07/2014
Retrenched teachers' regular service will be counted for pension - Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.131/2014/G.Edn Dt. 17/07/2014
Panchayath Schools - Transfer,promotion,grade and seniority - Norms amended - Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.132/2014/Gedn Dt. 17/07/2014
Option for Notional Grade for Primary and High School HMs - Orders Issued - G.O.(P)No.290/2014/(197)/Fin Dt. 16/07/2014
Specialist teacher appointment - Objection with regard to the appointment of more than one specialist teacher - Case Study G.O.(Rt)No.2764/2014/G.Edn Dt. 14/07/2014
Promotion -Last Grade Employees - Advance Increment - Clarification Cir.No.R1/41830/14/DPI Dt. 14/07/2014
Grama Sabha Meetings at school time - DPI's instructions Lr. Dt. 14/07/2014
National Pension System-Mobility to State employees appointed into the service on or before 31/03/2013 and reappointed in various institutions on or after 1/04/2013 G.O.(P)No.279/2014/Fin Dt. 14/07/2014
Mutual or Inter Department Transfer from one Unit to another in the same Department or from one Department - G.O.(P)No.20/2014/P&ARD Dt. 10/07/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - Detailed Guidelines - Cir.No.H2/35637/2014/DPI Dt. 10/07/2014
Uneconomic Schools - Revised Minimum Strength - Clarification Lr.No.23174/P3/2014/G.Edn Dt. 10/07/2014 (Case Study)
Prematric Scholarhips 2014-15 - UnAided CBSE/ICSE students - Annual School fees exceeding Annual Income- reg Cir. Dt. 09/07/2014
IED&IEDSS 2014-15 - Medical camp for CWSN students - Instructions Cir. Dt. 08/07/2014
Prematric Scholarships 2014-15 - Implementation of Direct Beneficiary Transfer (DBT) scheme Dt. 08/07/2014
Higher Secondary New Time table - Circular Cir. Dt. 07/07/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - The method of taking UID/EID print out from Sampoora - Guidelines - DPI Lr. Dt. 07/07/2014
Staff Fixation 2013-14 and 2014-15 - Amendment Order - G.O.(P)No.124/2014/G.Edn Dt. 04/07/2014
Staff Fixation 2013-14 - Deploying excess teachers on work arrangement - Instructions Lr. Dt. 04/07/2014
HSE - Ensuring Toilets, Urinals, Drinking water facilities - Circular - Cir. Dt. 02/07/2014
B.Ed Training Course - Dept Quota - Application invited Cir.No. Dt. 01/07/2014
Sixth Working Day UID EID Certificate Dt. 01/07/2014
Starting IED Resource centres at General Schools under AEO - Directions to AEOs Lr.Dt. 30/06/2014
Sampoorna User Guide - Prepared by IT School Dt. 30/06/2014
Financial Assistance for children from women headed families - Application - Dt. 29/06/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - Updation of Sampoorna - Time Limit Lr.Dt. 27/06/2014
School Employees Details 2014-15 Dt. 27/06/2014
Pre Primary attached to Govt Schools - Including pupils in the Noon Meal Programme - reg Cir.Dt. 26/06/2014
Primary HM Promotion - Test Qualification - Judgment in WP© 14971 of 2014 Dt. 24/06/2014
Higher Secondary Education- Academic- Prof.P.O.J.Lebba Committee Report- Five-day working days in Higher Secondary Schools-Orders issued. - G.O.(MS)No.117/2014/G.Edn Dt. 24/06/2014
HSS - Safety of school Bus - Instructions - Cir Dt. 24/06/2014
Posting of Guest Teachers in the vacancy of Master Trainers of IT School Cir. Dt. 24/06/2014
SSLC Exam 2014-15 - Age relaxation proposal submitting - Instructions to HMs Cir.No.30449/G1/14/G.Edn Dt. 23/06/2014
Inspire Award 2013-14 - District level Exhibition Guidelines Cir.Dt. 23/06/2014
Sanctioning Pension long after the date of retirement - time period specified orders issued - GO(P) No 236/2014/Fin Dt. 21/06/2014
Pension - Pending Audit Clearance - Releasing DCRG on production of Bond - Circular - Cir.No.64/2014/Fin Dt. 21/06/2014
Selection of best PTA - 2013-14 Cir.Dt. 21/06/2014 Proforma Score Details
Snehapoorvam Project- Dt. 21/06/2014 Details and Application
State Youth Fest 2014-15 - Fund collecting reg Cir. Dt. 20/06/2014
Sixth Working Day 2014-15 - Online Data entry - Completion reg Cir.Dt. 20/06/2014
Report of Transfer of Charges - Clarification issued Cir.No.24151/Admn. A2/14/Fin Dt.19/06/2014
Financial Assistance to students excel in Arts - 2014-15 - Cir. Dt. 19/06/2014
Protecting children against abuse - Guidelines -Cir. Dt. 18/06/2014
Teachers Award 2014 -15 - Instructions from DPI Lr.Dt. 18/06/2014
IEDC Medical Camp 2014-15 - reg - Cir. Dt. 17/06/2014
Staff Fixation 2014-15 - reg Cir. Dt. 17/06/2014
HSS - PTA fund - Instructions - Cir Dt. 16/06/2014
Primary HM Final Seniority List 2014-15 - Kannur District Dt. 16/06/2014
Relaxation in KER for Primary HMs - Administrative Tribunal's judgment against G.O.(Ms) 92/2014/G.Edn Dt.02/06/2014 - O.A.Nos 271 & 298 of 2014 Dt. 13/06/2014
Dept Test for High School HMs - Six months' exemption to those who attained 50 years of age - G.O.(Rt)No.106/2014/G.Edn Dt. 13/06/2014
Pre Primary TTC Course 2014-16 - Application invited - Notification Dt. 12/06/2014
Staff Fixation 2013-14 - Deployment of excess teachers on work arrangement - Lr.No.31310/J2/14/G.Edn - Dt. 11/06/2014
Pay Revision 2004 & 2009 - LD Clerks in Aided Schools - Third Time Bound Higher Grade in the Scale of Pay of Junior Superintendent - Modification -G.O.(MS)No.GO(Ms) No 216/14/(192)/Fin Dt. 11/06/2014
HSST - By Transfer Promotion - Final Seniority List Cir. Dt. 11/06/2014
HSST - By Transfer - Proceedings and Seniority List of HSA/UPSA/LPSA Dt.11/06/2014
Reckoning of prior service for pensionary benefits - Instructions Issued - Cir.No.56/2014/Fin Dt. 06/06/2014
Muslim/Nadar/BPL Scholarships 2014-15 - Requisition submitting reg Cir.No.Dt. 06/06/2014
Noon Meal Programme - WIFS distribution Programme 2014-15 Cir.Dt. 05/06/2014
Minority Community Pre Matric Scholarship 2014 -15 - Instructions to applicants Cir. Dt. 04/06/2014 Instructions for HM,AEOS,DDEs,DDEs Application Form Declaration Form
Balachandra Menon's "Ithiri Neram Othiri Karyam" can be bought using Special Fee - DPI - Lr.Dt. 03/06/2014
Sixth Working Day Strength 2014-15 - Collecting data - reg Cir. Dt. 03/06/2014
Sixth Working Day Strength Capturing format (Excel) Dt. 03/06/2014
Primary Headmaster Promotion - KER Test Exemption for those who attained 50 years of age - G.O.(MS)No.92/2014/G.Edn Dt. 02/06/2014
Enhancing travelling allowance of Office Attenders performing Treasury duty-Sanctioned G.O.(P)No.202/2014/Fin Dt. 31/05/2014
Teachers Text Books for the Revised Texts 2014-15 Dt. 31/05/2014
Staff Fixation 2013-14 in RMSA upgraded Schools Lr. Dt. 31/05/2014
Education Calendar 2014-15 Dt. 31/05/2014
L.D.Typist Final Seniority List Dt. 30/05/2014
Promotion of Last Grade Employees as clerks - 10% vacancies set aside - Cir.Dt. 29/05/2014
NPS - Revised procedure for submitting PRAN - Cir.No.51/2014/Fin Dt. 29/05/2014
Monitoring Proforma - HM self monitoring and Asst Teachers' Class Monitoring - Cir.Dt. 28/05/2014
QIP Monitoring - Cir. Dt. 28/05/2014
National Pension System-Delay in registration of employees coming under NPS- Instructions issued-Reg- Cir.No.49/2014/Fin Dt. 27/05/2014
New Higher Secondary Batches sanctioning-application invited and Gazette published-Orders issued - G.O.(MS)No.86/2014/G.Edn Dt. 24/05/2014
Noon Meal Programme 2014-15 - Circular Cir.Dt.24/05/2014
List of OBC Communities which are eligible for Educational concessions as is given in OEC - Govt Order and G.O.(MS)No.10/2014/BCDD Dt. 23/05/2014
HBA - Online Registration-Instructions issued Cir.No.44/2014/Fin Dt. 23/05/2014
Pay Revision 2009 - Classification of Government Employees G.O.(P)No.184/2014/(188)/Fin Dt. 21/05/2014
Appointment of Gazatted Employees - PSC Verification for regularisation - amendment - Orders issued. G.O.(P)No.13/2014/P&ARD Dt. 17/05/2014
Property Statements by Managers of Aided High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools Dt. 17/05/2014 Form A Form B Form C
Observing World Environment Day 2014-15 - Cir. Dt. 17/05/2014
Ensuring welfare of Children - Instructions with regard to Master Shafeequ Committee Report - Cir. Dt. 16/05/2014
TC through Sampoorna - Instructions withdrawn due to lack of internet factility in schools - Cir.No.NEP(3)/75318/13/DPI Dt. 20/05/2014
Staff Fixation 2013-14 - 1:30 and 1: 35 ratio cannot be applied to Govt/Corporate Management schools Lr.Dt. 20/05/2014
Linking of State level school code with National level U-DISE code- Govt Order - G.O.(Rt)No.81/2014/G.Edn Dt. 19/05/2014
HM/AEO promotion - Dept Tests Compulsory even for those who attained 50 years of age - Nonexempted HSA/HSSTs - List 1 DPI's Lr.Dt. 16/05/2014 - List 1 List 2
Tobacco free schools - Guidelines Cir.Dt. 13/05/2014
Teachers Training - Training Calendar 2014-15 - Management Software reg Cir.Dt.09/05/2014
Inspire Award Scheme 2013-14 - List of Selected Students - Kerala Dt. 09/05/2014
Child Abuse - Preventing Measures - Cir.Dt.08/05/2014
Staff Fixation 2013-14 - Issuing reg Lr.No.H2/29303/13 Dt. 05/05/2014 Staff Fixation Proceedings Additional Division Proforma MS Word Format
Summer Vacation Training 2014-15 - Guidelines Dt. 05/05/2014
Issuing TC through Sampoorna - Help Dt. 02/05/2014
PSC Exam Invigilation - Instructions Cir. Dt. 30/04/2014
Compulsory Extra Curricular Activities on Fridays - Press Release Dt. 30/04/2014
Aided Status for Buds School-Special Schools G.O.(P)No.69/14/G.Edn Dt. 28/04/2014
New Bill format(TR 59A) Introduced - G.O.(P)No.149/2014/Fin Dt. 26/04/2014
E Submission of Salary Bills - Instructions to SDOs Dt. 26/04/2014
E Submission of Salary Bills - Instructions to DDOs Dt.26/04/2014
Special Allowance for handling cash - drawal through ATM - Clarification - Lr.No.49204/P3/2013/G.Edn Dt. 25/04/2014
Genl Edn 2014-15 - New Text Books in 1,3,5,7 classes - Amount published-Orders issued. - G.O.(MS)No.68/2014/G.Edn. Dt. 25/04/2014
RTE Act 2009 - Disciplinary action against pupils in compliance with KER - Instructions Cir. Dt. 25/04/2014
Creating awareness among students on "Nireekshna" - Online RTE Monitoring System Dt.23/04/2014
Conducting of classes during Summer Vacation against rules - Warning Cir. Dt. 22/04/2014
BRC Trainer at SSA - Application Form
General Elections/By -Elections - Guidelines for the conduct of Govt Servants - No.31856/Cdn.J/2014/GAD Dt. 22/04/2014
Dept Test 2014 July - Notification Dt. 21/04/2014
SPARK - Online submission of salary bills - Extended to whole of Kerala - Instructions - Cir.No.36/2014/Fin Dt. 16/04/2014
Primary HM Provisional Seniority List - Kannur District Dt. 16/04/2014
Loans and Advances - Recovery postponed for the month of April 2014 - G.O.(MS)No. 144/2014/Fin Dt. 16/04/2014
Part Time service cannot be reckoned for weightage - 2004 pay revision - G.O.(Rt)No.1554/2014/G.Edn Dt. 08/04/2014 (Case study)
Appointment of Specialist Teachers in Aided Schools should be through PSC - G.O.(Rt)No.1460/2014/G.Edn. Dt. 28/03/2014 (Case Study)
LWA for B.Ed Training -Sanctioning the benefit of third proviso to Rule 33(b)(2) Part I, KSRs - G.O.(Rt)No.1459/2014/G.Edn. Dt. 28/03/2014 ( Case Study)
Manual for Career Guidance and Adolescent Counselling Programmes in Higher Secondary Education Department-Approved-Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.66/2014/G.Edn. Dt. 28/03/2014
Latest Instructions to candidates regarding KPSC Examination from APRIL 2014 Dt. 27/03/2014
LWA Vacancies should be filled from Teachers Bank Cir.No.SC(2)-25893/14/DPI - Dt. 26/03/2014
Diploma in Language Education Course 2014-15 Arabic, Urdu - Selection of Candidates under Departmental Quota - Application called for - Cir. Dt. 19/03/2014
Text Book Indent 2014 -15 - Action against HMs who failed to place indent - Lr.Dt. 19/03/2014
Staff Fixation 2013-14 - Clarification Lr.No.H2/29303/2013/DPI Dt. 19/03/2014
Staff Fixation - Excel Proforma
Diploma in Language Education Course 2014-15 Hindi - Selection of Candidates under Departmental Quota - Application called for - Cir. Dt. 18/03/2014
SPARK - Updation of data of employees - Time Limit fixed - Orders issued Cir.No.25/2014/Fin Dt. 17/03/2014
National Pension System - Guidelines to deduct NPS contributions in SPARK. Dt. 17/03/2014
Special Recruitments of Teachers - Salary benefits during training period - Cir.No.N2/63681/2011/DPI Dt. 15/03/2014
General Transfer 2013-14 - Application called for Dt. 15/03/2014
Collecting details of Special Schools - Cir. Dt. 15/03/2014
Madrasa Grant for purchasing library books - Guidelines Cir. Dt. 14/03/2014
A model of Staff Fixation Note and Proceedings 2013-14 based on G.O.(p) No.313/2013/G.Edn Dt.29/11/13
Dept Test - Date of effect of qualification - Date of Exam Vs Publication of result - Clarification - KSSSR,1958 - Applicability of Rule 28 (bbb)- Clarification - Cir.No.524/R1/2014/P&ARD Dt. 10/03/2014
Celebrations at government offices during working hours- directions issued - Cir.No.21040/A R 13/2013/P&ARD Dt. 05/03/2014
MG Grant 2013-14 - Clarification - Lr.Dt. 05/03/2014
Staff Fixation 2013-14 - Guidelines - Cir.No.H2/29303/2013/DPI Dt. 05/03/2014
Ex-post facto extension of due date for filing TDS/TCS statements for FY years 2012-13 and 2013-14 extended Cir.No.7/2014 Dt. 04/03/2014
General Transfer 2014-15 - Ministerial Gazatted officers - Applications invited - Cir Dt. 04/03/2014
SSLC 2014 - Grace Mark allotting reg Cir. Dt. 03/03/2014
Exemption of Malayalam Language to Non Malayalam Mediam Schools - G.O.(P)No.46/14/G.Edn Dt. 03/03/2014
Provisional Seniority list of officers in the cadre of JD,DDE DEOs Dt. 03/03/2014
Online Collection of Details of Staff as on 31/12/2013 in Govt and Aides Schools - Cir. Dt. 26/02/2014
Staff Fixation 2013-14 - Interim order to resume the staff fixation - Lr.No.H2/29303/13/DPI Dt. 26/02/2014
National Pension System - Applicability of General Provident Rules to the employees under NPS - Clarification - G.O.(P)No.21/2014/Fin Dt. 24/02/2014
Annual Exam 2013-14 - Change in Time Table Cir.No. Dt. 24/02/2014
Introduction of new TR 46 Bill form for drawing the salary claims of Self Drawing officers - G.O.(P)No.76/2014/Fin Dt. 21/02/2014
LD Typist Provisional Seniority List Cir. Dt. 21/02/2014
Salary of Self Drawing Officers- New TR 46 Bill form - Introduced G.O.(P)No.76/2014/Fin Dt. 21/02/2014
Noon Meal Contingency Charges - Managing fund without lapsing Cir. Dt. 21/02/2014
Promotion of Clerks as Senior Clerks (2006-09)- Order No. C5/5/2014/DPI Dt.20/02/2014
Admission of students from Unrecognised Unaided schools 2014-15 - Guidelines - G.O.(Rt)No.807/2014/G.Edn Dt. 18/02/2014
Incentive to Girls Scholarships 2013-14 - Applications invited from IX STD SC/ST Girl students - Cir. Dt. 18/02/2014
SSLC Exam March 2014 - IT Examination Cir. Dt. 13/02/2014
Hindi Diploma in Language Education Course (Self Fin) 2014-15 - Modified Notification -Cir.Dt.12/02/2014
Bureau of Public Enterprises-Recruitment to Public sector undertakings-Maximum age limit prescribed for direct Recruitment through PSC for various posts-Enhanced-Orders issued G.O.(MS)No.6/2014/Plg Dt. 12/02/2014
Infrastructure Development of Minority Institutions (IDMI) - Application invited for the year 2014-15- Notification Dt. 12/02/2014
Free Uniform Distribution - Compliance with Technical Specification Cir. Dt. 12/02/2014
National Pension Scheme (NPS) - PRAN - Registration form Dt. 12/02/2014
Childline Posters in all the Primary class rooms Cir. Dt. 11/02/2014
Completion of UID Enrollment 2013-14 - Avoiding further delay - Cir.Dt. 10/02/2014
Higher Secondary Education - Restriction on Grace Marks - Orders issued - G.O.(Rt)No.650/14/G.Edn Dt. 07/02/2014
Diploma in Language Education (Hindi) 2014-15 - Application Dt. 07/02/2014
LSS USS Exams 2014 - Instructions on conducting exams Cir. Dt. 05/02/2014
Noon Meal Scheme - Payment to Data Entry operators - Instructions Cir. Dt. 04/02/2014
Probability of Sunstroke and Sunburn in light of increasing incoming solar radiation-reg - Lr.No. Dt. 03/02/2014
Creamy layer for Other Backward Communities - Income Limit raised to six lakh G.O.(MS)No.5/2014/BCDD - Dt. 31/01/2014
Text Book Distribution 2014-15 - Software Updation - Uploading school details under each School Society- Cir.No. Dt. 30/01/2014
Noon Meal Scheme - School Inspection - Instructions on hiring of vehicles - Cir. Dt. 29/01/2014
Inter District Transfer on Compassionate Ground - Applications invited - Lr. Dt. 29/01/2014
Inter District Transfer on Compassionate Ground - Applications invited- Lr. Dt. 29/01/2014
KTET Duplicate Certificate - Fee rate and Application form - Order G.O.(MS)No.410/2014/G.Edn Dt. 27/01/2014
Revival Period of lapsed policies under SLI/GIS - Cancellation of Government Order - G.O.(P)No.39/2014/Fin Dt. 27/01/2014
Group Insurance Scheme - Modified Table of Benefits to the Group Insurance Scheme - G.O.(P)No.38/2014/Fin Dt. 25/01/2014
SSLC March 2014 - IT Examination - Instructions Dt. 23/01/2014
SC/ST Persons in service - Temporary Exemption from passing Special or Departmental Tests- Period of exemption extended G.O.(P)No.4/2014/P&ARD - Dt. 21/01/2014
Higher Secondary - Application for Duplicate Certificates - Fee rate - Clarification - Cir.Dt. 15/01/2014
Scout and Guide activities extended to Higher Secondary - Orders Issued - G.O.(MS)No.14/2014/G.Edn Dt. 15/01/2014
Socio Economic Survey 2012- Clarification on EL surrender Cir.No.61872/DD3/2013/LSGD Dt.10/01/2014
OBC Prematric Scholarships 2013-14 - Circular Dt. 10/01/2014 Advertisement Application Form
SSLC Orukkam 2014
Malayalam English Hindi Sanskrit Arabic Urdu Social Science
Physics Chemistry Biology Maths
Rashtriya Indian Military College - Entrance Exam - Cir. Dt. 17/01/2014
Food Safety and Standards Act 2006 - Directions to schools Dt. 13/01/2014
Guidelines for Mid day Meal Scheme by Food Safety Commissioner
Application for Registration under Food Safety Act 2006
Proforma for Medical Fitness Certificate for Food Handlers
SSLC IT Model Exam 2014 - Instructions Cir. Dt. 16/01/2014
SEBC Reservation for Professional courses- Income limit enhanced to Rs. 6 lakhs - G.O.(MS)No.3/2014/BCDD Dt. 09/01/2014
National Pension Scheme - DDO details to be furnished to Treasuries - Dt. 09/01/2014
Higher Secondary Education - LWA granted for B.Ed Training - Service benefits for LWA period - G.O.(MS)No.9/2014/G.Edn Dt. 08/01/2014
State Kalolsavam - Conducting of Programmes and Evaluation - Guidelines- Cir.No.Y2/53000/13/DPI Dt. 08/01/2014
Ensuring 200 School Working Days - Directions of DPI Dt. 08/01/2014
KEAM 2014 - Online Registration Notification Dt. 08/01/2014
SSLC Exam 2014 March - Centralised Valuation - Online applications invited for examinership Cir. Dt. 08/01/2014
Free School Uniform 2013-14 - Delay in placing order will result in lapse of fund - warning Cir.No.SP(2)42544/13 Dt. 07/01/2014
Scholarships - Ensuring the authenticity of eligibility certificates- Cir. Dt. 04/01/2014
Reservation of 10% vacancies in the post of LDC/LD Typist in various Government Departments for by transfer appointment for Last Grade servants - G.O.(P)No.1/2014/PA&ARD Dt. 03/01/2014
By Transfer Appointment as HSST from H.S.A/UPSA/LPSA - CR called for - Cir.No. Dt. 02/01/2014
RMSA - School Management Development Committee in Govt. Secondary School - Orders Issued - G.O.(MS)No.1/2014/G.Edn Dt. 01/01/2014